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Strelets news 2020 - 2024

Posted by Michel on 07 Feb 2020, 08:32

Thats sad, but such Civillians Sets would be a top selling Set!
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Michel  Germany
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Posted by marc zijp on 07 Feb 2020, 08:43

It was much requested to change the extra Strelets figure policy for civilians.
Of course there are people now who want this civilians separately.
But you can’t please everyone (so you got to please yourself).

As a side note: people now beg for command figures on the infantry/trooper sprue, instead of a separate command sprue.
Personnaly I hate that idea (really don’t like that). Gives us way to much officers, drummers etc., waste of figures and plastic and most important: not realistic in any scenario.
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Posted by C M Dodson on 07 Feb 2020, 14:42

It would be nice to have a set of civilians as the possibilities are huge.

The Dragoon poses look very nice apart from the inaccurate dress.

Best wishes,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by Paul on 07 Feb 2020, 16:13

Michel wrote:Thats sad, but such Civillians Sets would be a top selling Set!

Agreed :yeah:
They could, release the sets as planned, riders with civvies and release the civiies as a seperate set and see how it goes. They obviously aren´t intended for wargaming.
Seeing as the civvies would cover a larger time scale, they would be attractive not only to napoleonic fans and the civvies only sets might sell better .

I´ll buy the sets to get the civilians and I might have a use for the nags..the riders?
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Paul  China
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Posted by MABO on 07 Feb 2020, 17:12

marc zijp wrote:But the absence of the litewka is in my opinion the biggest mistake.
If anyone thinks otherwise I’d like to know.

My first reaction was the same. But I found these infos on one of my favorites sites:


There you find the info that the kollet was the regular uniform, but the litewka was preferred. So it seems not to be completely wrong.
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Posted by marc zijp on 07 Feb 2020, 18:30

@ Mabo: agreed, not completely wrong but most likely less common.
Like the Waterloo1815 hussars versus the Hat ones I prefer the Hat Prussian hussars for the Waterloo Campaign, because they wear the pelisse instead of slung.

And if we use he Mont-Saint-jean site so can Strelets of course.
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Posted by Graeme on 07 Feb 2020, 19:42

Yes, I believe that the kollet was the regular dress uniform for the dragoons but they were authorized to wear the litewka on campaign and, in the case of the dragoons, most of the rank and file chose the litewka. These figures are not in fighting poses so they're not necessarily on campaign although I suspect most people will want to use them on campaign and I would prefer them in litewka.

Conversely, I believe that the uhlans of the three regular army regiments were authorised to wear the litewka on campaign but preferred to wear the kollet.

I'd be happy if Strelets made further sets of dragoons in litewkas and uhlans in kollets, especially if they were in action poses but, in the mean time I see Prussian cavalry in litewkas and kollets and braided dolmans here. Maybe I can swap things around a bit. :-)

marc zijp wrote:As a side note: people now beg for command figures on the infantry/trooper sprue, instead of a separate command sprue.

I am one of those people and I would point out that we are talking about some of the recent Strelets sets which have four identical sprues in the box but on three of the sprues the command figures have been cut off. Better to include the figures, many people are building battalions of 16 or 20 or 24 figures so one set of command figures in a box of 48 figures is not enough. The other consideration is that we pay the production costs of a set in the purchase price. If I'm paying to produce figures I prefer to get the figures, then I can decide whether I want to use them or not.

The civilians are great. I'm happy to buy these sets to get them but I think Strelets should consider also combining them into a separate set.
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Graeme  Australia
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Posted by Zed1 on 07 Feb 2020, 22:13

MABO wrote:And yes, they are going to produce at least dragoons. 1813 -15 Curassiers would be great to have. But they have not been present at Waterloo. Maybe that is a reason, why they are ignored

We'll see - we all know that Strelets does'nt only produce for the 100days campaign and Prussian cuirassiers played a big role in several 12-14 battles, including Leipzig. So maybe they make some and close that gap.

The lancers are in fact a nice thing. Allthoug it looks that they're intended to represent Lutzowers (6th regiment of Uhlans at Waterloo), only little modifications are necessary to make them look like any other lancer regiment, including Landwehr cavalry. The uniforms luckily are very basic.

Regarding the dragoons - well, the Litewka coat would have been the more usual dress, but the Kollet at least isn't totally wrong. But I disagree that these chaps are not on campain. Looks more as they show cavalry on patrol duty - perhaps standing in the woods, watching enemy manouvers... Whatever. Oilskins can easily be modelled by using tissue paper and wood glue. Therefore, I'm not too sorry about the shakos. What really gives me the creeps is that flag again. When will Strelets start noticing that Prussian cavalry did not carry infantry flags into battle?
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Zed1  Germany
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Posted by marc zijp on 08 Feb 2020, 07:00

Don’t know such a story. I think the civilians have a more generic purpose.
You can late them wave to French troops too, for Napoleon sure let his troops parade a lot, in grand tenue through the cities of Europe before 1815 (or during the Hundred Days!).

At the evening of the 18th june the Prussian cavalry was busy with a merciless hunt, slashing through the French troops to get Napoleon. Civilians had other things at their mind that moment.
marc zijp  
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Posted by CPN on 08 Feb 2020, 11:54

My guess is that Strelets is refering to the eary part of the 1813 German campaign when the Prussian army raised troops in a "patriotic " elan.
Many paintings from Knotel and other artists are depicting troops parading with enthusiastic German people around.
Have a great weekend.
CPN  France
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 10 Feb 2020, 21:18

Latest preview.

236 - WSS French Fusiliers (early war)



Really looking forward to this & subsequent sets! :-D
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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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Posted by marc zijp on 10 Feb 2020, 22:47

Indeed, it’s very interesting to follow. Since Strelets has already confirmed that accompanying artillery and cavalry sets will follow.
marc zijp  
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Posted by Bluefalchion on 11 Feb 2020, 04:42

Strelets has come a loooooooooooooong way. Tremendous.
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Bluefalchion  United States of America
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 14 Feb 2020, 00:20

236 - WSS French Fusiliers (early war) is already available now.


Strelets generates an quite impressive production rate at the moment. Hope the increased quantity won‘t affect the general quality. :shock: ;-)
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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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Posted by Marvin on 14 Feb 2020, 00:28

Great stuff from the wonderful Strelets again. :yeah:
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Marvin  United Kingdom
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Posted by marc zijp on 14 Feb 2020, 00:39



marc zijp  
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 14 Feb 2020, 11:41

Most probably these masters are belonging to 270 - Nap. Bavarian Infantry at ease. :yeah:
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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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Posted by Paul on 14 Feb 2020, 16:11

Just a thought. If I, and others, who only want the civilians, buy the sets to get them but store/throw in the bin/give away/swop or whatever the troops part, would Strelets think the Sales of the sets are based on the subject of the troops or the civvies? Would they care?
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Paul  China
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Posted by marc zijp on 14 Feb 2020, 18:21

Haha, can ask the same question but then with those civilians, ‘cause I really don’t need them. Everybody seems to be happy with it (good for them!), but except for the occasional cantinière (Franznap) or dead civilians in the streets of Berlin in’45 my dioramas will have no non-combatants.
Strelets doesn’t care of course, but it is a waste of all those good soldiers.
Or civilians.
When for example another set of marching Russians come out and when I buy about ten sets of them perhaps I’ll take my civilians to Figz Arnhem. For those who are interested.
marc zijp  
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