
My Great Northern War figures by Mini-fig.

Posted by musketier on 23 Dec 2010, 00:35

Here is what I did a several years ago One regiment from Denmark, one from Sweden and one from Russia. I dug them out today as I think I will get back to doing more of these in the upcoming year. Enjoy!



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musketier  United States of America
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Posted by Peter on 23 Dec 2010, 10:47

That are some great painted minis, you have there :thumbup: And very colorfull :thumbup:
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Posted by musketier on 23 Dec 2010, 15:29

Thank you Peter, I'll admit I can do better flags now as opposed to then :-D
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musketier  United States of America
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Posted by Benno on 23 Dec 2010, 16:04

Very nice! :-D I like any painted GNW fig, no matter what scale. :thumbup:
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Posted by Paul on 23 Dec 2010, 16:19

Nice little armies :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: ...the one thing is the flags...why didn´t you print some out?
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Posted by Fenton on 23 Dec 2010, 16:42

Nice stuff mate..I'd forgotten how nice the old minifugs stuff is
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Posted by musketier on 23 Dec 2010, 19:01

Thanks Benno
Paul, I didn't and still don't have a color printer/scanner
Thanks Fenton these where a newline that Mini-fig came out with about 5-6 years ago I think. I bought them while talking to the president of the US distributer back then. I really got into this period after reading Robrt K Massie's biography of Peter the Great, a good read btw
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musketier  United States of America
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Posted by Victorious Secret on 24 Dec 2010, 08:24

Hi Musketier,

Bright color is always my favorite! Espcially on such small scale you made all the detail standout! :thumbup: Beautiful! The officer looks perticularly great! I think it is very rewarding when a mass army is finished!

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Victorious Secret  United States of America
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Posted by Bourbaki on 24 Dec 2010, 09:06

Nice figs as usual from you! You paint very fast! :mrgreen:
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Posted by musketier on 24 Dec 2010, 17:09

actually it took me longer to paint the Russians ( about a month of sessions, my sessions=1 hour) than the Swedes. I'd be even faster if I painted every single day as well. Ah I can only dream yes? :mrgreen: :-D
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musketier  United States of America
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Posted by yar68 on 14 Jan 2011, 09:16

Nice figures!, I was very tempted to get some GNW figures, some time back but my pal twisted my arm and we both ended up with NYW armies, which are still in production and will be for some conciderable time.
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Posted by musketier on 14 Jan 2011, 12:45

Thanks, I think personally everyone should have some GNW figures, They are quite easy to do for 18th century figures and the armies really were not that large plus the cavalry to infantry ratio was still quite high. ( and no I didnt forget about the War of the Spanish Succession which are just as easy, well ok the French are a bit tedious but then that usually is the case with French uniforms now isnt it? :-D )
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musketier  United States of America
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Posted by Bramble15 on 25 Jan 2011, 04:16

Very nice. :thumbup:
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Posted by Rowland on 02 Feb 2011, 22:55

Nice work :thumbup:
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Posted by musketier on 03 Feb 2011, 03:23

Thank you all, I also wanted too add a note about these that I just remembered, these are the first figures I did with the Folk-Art/Palmer low price art store paints. I see I am not the only one who likes how they turned out. :-D
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musketier  United States of America
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Posted by MABO on 13 Feb 2011, 12:24

Not my scale, but they are looking very good. :thumbup:
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Posted by musketier on 13 Feb 2011, 21:36

Thanks MABO I have lots more 15mm GNW to do :-D all other periods I had in 15mm are gone now (well ok I still have a ton of WWI but that's for someone else)
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musketier  United States of America
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Posted by T. Dürrschmidt on 19 Feb 2011, 12:21

I purchased some of minifigs early renaissance and late medieval figs some years ago. Great stuff. Your´s look very good. For the diorama maker they lack a bit in the number of available poses.
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Posted by musketier on 19 Feb 2011, 20:06

Yes they do lack variety in poses, but for simple bases for war gaming they are very good, though I think Peter Pig's line has better poses and animation but then again they are newer sculpts as opposed to most of the Mini-fig line which are decades old. Well except for this line of GNW they are recent molds,(7-8 years old which is 'new' for Mini-fig) I am happy with all your positive comments Thank you
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musketier  United States of America
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Posted by Konrad on 19 Feb 2011, 21:13

Nice little army. :thumbup:
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