
Star Wars thread

Posted by Peter on 09 Dec 2023, 13:25

Don't know any of these characters but I like how you painted them. :thumbup:

I presume these are figures from the TV series? :eh:
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Posted by Kekso on 09 Dec 2023, 19:39

Peter wrote:I presume these are figures from the TV series? :eh:

It has been long since Star Wars become universe (not just 3 trilogies). Some of these characters are from movies (Kit Fisto), some are stars of their shows (Mando), and some are made up by me (Blind Guardian) :-D
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Kekso  Croatia

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Posted by Kekso on 14 Jan 2024, 11:01

I haven't been painting much this year. These are from last year:

Commander Rex


Hondo Ohnaka


Kyle Katram


(another) Commander Cody (painted in Jaunary 2024.)

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Posted by PhilC on 14 Jan 2024, 11:20

I don't know these characters, but the painting is splendid as usual!
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 18 Jan 2024, 14:03

PhilC wrote:I don't know these characters, but the painting is splendid as usual!

The same for me. Some more wonderful figures for your collection, Kekso! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by Peter on 26 Jan 2024, 13:58

Excellent painted figures! :love:
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Posted by Kekso on 27 Jun 2024, 15:05

Well, I was painting but I wasn't posting much. Here are some more:

Bib Fortuna

Cassian Andor

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Sith Librarian


Another Mando... this time in Shatterpoint scale

Cobb Vanth

Cheers :cheers:
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Kekso  Croatia

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Posted by PhilC on 27 Jun 2024, 15:57

Oh Kekso, these are beautiful figures. You're a step higher with every post, a real pro result in my eyes. My favourites are Bib Fortuna and Mando.
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Posted by k.b. on 28 Jun 2024, 18:08

Wow! More beautiful brushwork on the Star Wars theme from you Kelso. I particularly like the very last posted figure. Lovely colour combinations……….
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 28 Jun 2024, 19:51

Another nice batch of fantastic figures, Kekso. :drool:

My favourite of them all is the Mandalorian. I love the painting of his metal armour, as well as the contrast between his dark colours and the bright green of little Yoda. :love:

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Posted by Kekso on 30 Jun 2024, 20:18

Thank you guys. You're too kind.
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Kekso  Croatia

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Posted by Rich W on 30 Jun 2024, 23:13

Another super job on these. I don’t think it is possible to do Star Wars figures better than yours.
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Posted by Das_Dirch on 01 Jul 2024, 10:44

:love: Wonderful figures, beautifully painted.
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Das_Dirch  Germany
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