
Greek mythology: Minotaurs, Amazons and more

Posted by PhilC on 27 Jun 2024, 15:00

Hi everybody! It's not easy to write something on this forum these days (nothing like a criticism, but an apology for not being very present), but I'm taking advantage of a day off to show you pictures of Greek mythological creatures.


Thanks to Dark Alliance and other manufacturers, it is now possible to gather figures to represent a Greek mythological army. Let's begin with the Minotaurs, by Dark Alliance:

The white one can be seen either as a boss, or as an infernal version of a Minotaur.

What about Amazons ? Dark Alliance released several set on this subject, but I prefer the Linear A set.

What do you think of them? An occasion to try different skin colors. Then we have some Centaurs by Dark Alliance:

Also a Cyclops:

I also wanted to paint a Hydra, so I had to use an old Ral Partha 25mm figure, released in 1984 - with a Darl Alliance Amazon for size comparison:

Now I have to base these figures and mix them with various Greek hoplites and peltasts to get a complete HotT army.

More pictures and explanations here:
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PhilC  Europe

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Posted by Kekso on 27 Jun 2024, 15:17

This is so cool.
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Posted by steve_pickstock on 28 Jun 2024, 15:08

Nice - lovely paint jobs.

Some of my favourite sets, especially so because the makers produced them as a result of customer requests. The Linear A Amazons are fully compatible with the Red Box models.
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steve_pickstock  England
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Posted by k.b. on 28 Jun 2024, 18:01

A fascinating thread Phil. Don’t know why but methinks a lot of us members are probably suckers for Greek Mythology. When I scrolled down your post I found myself looking for Jason and his Argonauts…… which might be a reason why we old timers are fans of Greek Mythology!
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Posted by blacksmith on 28 Jun 2024, 18:53

Fantastic painting Phil, thanks for sharing. Also, I didn't know about those amazons from Linear, I'll have to check them out. Cheers.
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Posted by Konrad on 28 Jun 2024, 19:49

Great stuff,Phil. :thumbup:
Love your cyclop. ;-)
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 28 Jun 2024, 20:09

PhilC wrote:...What do you think of them?...

Well, Phil, I can only think one thing about the figures of this very original army: they are very well selected and beautifully painted. :love: :love: :love:

I especially love the colours of the different types of human and animal skins. Also, all the figures fit very well with each other. :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

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Posted by steve_pickstock on 28 Jun 2024, 21:15

BTW Linear A have announced a Jason and the Argonauts with Talos set based on the 1963 film.
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Posted by Rich W on 30 Jun 2024, 23:09

Amazing work Phil. Those skin tones in particular are excellent. Really cool figures and you’ve absolutely nailed them, especially those Minotaurs!
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Posted by Das_Dirch on 01 Jul 2024, 10:41

Nice work, like it very much.
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Das_Dirch  Germany
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Posted by Peter on 02 Jul 2024, 00:01

Fantastic painted figures! :thumbup:
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