Work in Progress

Attack on LHS Farm at Waterloo

Posted by C M Dodson on 13 Mar 2024, 13:27

The initial assault on LHS was accompanied by Cuirassiers under Dubois ( 1st and 4th).

The Ponsonby ( Scots Greys) repulse was conducted by Line lancers ( 3rd and 4th) along with the 3rd Chasseurs a Cheval on the left flank of the British advance.

The remaining British units were repulsed by cuirassiers of Travers and Farine, ( 7th 12th) ( 5th 10th ).

The Red lancers ( including the Elba squadron ) were over the field towards Hougoumont during the cavalry attacks.

I hope that this is of help.

Captain Silbornes Charlets feature may be of assistance on this site.

Best wishes,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
Posts: 2662
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01 May 2015, 18:48

Posted by Cuirassierman90 on 13 Mar 2024, 20:07

Yes very helpful (thank you)

I have modelled my few cuirassiers on the 1st and 4th and have decided not to include my lancer in light of not finding any evidence of them coming close enough to LHS as to have been seen in my dio.

I think I have enough figures now to make it populated enough in the space I have - 3ft by 3ft.
Cuirassierman90  United Kingdom
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18 Oct 2023, 04:27

Posted by Cuirassierman90 on 14 Mar 2024, 02:17

Cuirassierman90  United Kingdom
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18 Oct 2023, 04:27

Posted by C M Dodson on 14 Mar 2024, 06:43

Very nice work.

I am not sure if the garrison ‘sallied’, as in the enjoyable ( but nonsensical) Sharpe episode.

Nevertheless, splendid painting.

Personally, I would filthy up the walls a bit.

Best wishes,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
Posts: 2662
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01 May 2015, 18:48

Posted by C M Dodson on 14 Mar 2024, 06:45

Apologies, you have done!


C M Dodson  United Kingdom
Posts: 2662
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01 May 2015, 18:48

Posted by Cuirassierman90 on 14 Mar 2024, 20:46

The excursions out the front door onto the roadway was mentioned in this - ... alion-kgl/
Cuirassierman90  United Kingdom
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Posted by C M Dodson on 15 Mar 2024, 21:04


Interesting memoirs which I believe I have seen before.

They were certainly made of sterner stuff in those days!

However, personally I would doubt the wisdom of leaving a secure defensive position to fight in the open, thus negating my advantage. Perhaps the prospect of loot that he mentions might have encouraged the taking of such a risk?

Keep up the good work.

Best wishes,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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01 May 2015, 18:48

Posted by Cuirassierman90 on 16 Mar 2024, 20:56

So I have had a go at adding some smoke - not an easy thing to look real so I went with the "less is more" scenario.


Cuirassierman90  United Kingdom
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18 Oct 2023, 04:27

Posted by Cuirassierman90 on 17 Mar 2024, 20:12

A bit of work on my dio today, I cut away about Ten figures from their bases then glued them on the roadside and orchard, then took a few pics -






Cuirassierman90  United Kingdom
Posts: 44
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18 Oct 2023, 04:27

Posted by C M Dodson on 18 Mar 2024, 09:51

Your smoke effect is rather nice with the strands representing the pan flash very well.

You need a bit more around the muzzle, but do not go mad as it will look silly.

I find that a sprinkling of ‘smoking’ weapons in a fire fight looks better than a barrage that obscures the figures. However, if it was a volley by a formed unit, the cloud would indeed be considerable.

Best wishes,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
Posts: 2662
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01 May 2015, 18:48

Posted by Cuirassierman90 on 22 Mar 2024, 22:40

Some more progress on my build - I have added a fair few more 54th and 55th Ligne and also Colonel Claude Charlet I also decided to put Two 95th rifles across from the samd pit agaonst the garden wall loitering to try and get that shot.



Cuirassierman90  United Kingdom
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18 Oct 2023, 04:27

Posted by Cuirassierman90 on 22 Mar 2024, 23:04

One more -

Cuirassierman90  United Kingdom
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18 Oct 2023, 04:27

Posted by Cuirassierman90 on 18 Apr 2024, 20:56

More progress - The cavalry is finished and placed on the roadside.

Cuirassierman90  United Kingdom
Posts: 44
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18 Oct 2023, 04:27

Posted by Cuirassierman90 on 20 Apr 2024, 20:08

I have been doing a bit of scratch building - so I built the porch into the farmhouse garden - its just dry fitted for now - next tage will be painting and weathering.

Cuirassierman90  United Kingdom
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18 Oct 2023, 04:27

Posted by Cuirassierman90 on 12 May 2024, 01:04

I finished work on the porch - placed a strip of stone pathwork down, and built a wood store extension and built a wall then weathered it all.


Cuirassierman90  United Kingdom
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18 Oct 2023, 04:27

Posted by Cuirassierman90 on 12 May 2024, 06:18

A close up of the porch I scratched and with the Lunenburg Captain along with a 5th KGL injured - just dry fitted for scale.

Cuirassierman90  United Kingdom
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Posted by Peter on 16 May 2024, 15:53

Looking very good so far! :thumbup:
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Posted by Cuirassierman90 on 18 Jun 2024, 07:20

Morning all, I am still working on this project (nearly Four years old now) so I have added a Dutch Jager rifleman who was posted near to the sand pit but fell back when the French advanced and this fellow decided to head to the wall with the Two 95th Rifles.



Cuirassierman90  United Kingdom
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18 Oct 2023, 04:27

Posted by Rich W on 22 Jun 2024, 09:29

A nice addition! Keep persevering with the project!
Rich W  United Kingdom
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