
Lego minifigure customized Spanish Royal Guard Officer

Posted by Santi Pérez on 19 Apr 2024, 18:53

This is my last finished project that I posted on the forum and that has disappeared due to the problems of the last few days, so I'm repeating it again. ;-)

Once I had customized my Playmobil figure as an officer of the Spanish Royal Guard, I felt like doing it again, but now with a Lego minifigure.

And that's what this new project is all about, the conversion of a Lego minifigure into a Major of the Spanish Royal Guard.


The inspiration and research were the same as in the case of the previous Playmobil figure, so the same materials I collected then were also useful to me now, so the final Lego figure should look something like this.

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As with the Playmobil figure, I wanted to build the Lego minifigure from all its individual elements, trying to convert as few of them as possible. I got the necessary original pieces both from the figures I have at home and by buying them at the Mercado del Juguete in Madrid ( In this way, I gathered the 9 pieces required, which are shown here in their original state.


I then made up some of the elements (this included the headgear called ros which must have been shortened from the original Napoleonic shako and to which I added the feather, as well as adding to the body the belts from self-adhesive paper) and painted them all separately. Here are the different pieces once painted.


The last step was the easiest one, I just had to assemble the figure by putting all the elements together. These are different views of the final figure obtained.

Image Image Image Image Image

I hope you enjoy it! Thanks so much for watching! :-D

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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28 Aug 2016, 19:42

Posted by Kekso on 20 Apr 2024, 06:27

I thought I've commented on this one. Well, it could be lost in Forum reincarnation :eh:
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Kekso  Croatia

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Posted by Peter on 20 Apr 2024, 09:25

Very nice and original Santi! Keep surprising us! ;-) :thumbup:
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Peter  Belgium

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Posted by Santi Pérez on 23 Apr 2024, 19:10

Thank you very much for your kind words, my dear moderators Kekso and Peter (even if they are repeated :mrgreen: ).

As I announced in my first version of this thread, here are a few pictures to compare the two versions of the Royal Guard Major, the first one from Playmobil and this latest one from Lego. :-D

This way you can appreciate the things they share and have slightly different, as well as comparing the relative size of both figures. ;-)

Image Image Image Image Image

Best regards, colleagues!

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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28 Aug 2016, 19:42

Posted by Ochoin on 23 Apr 2024, 20:26

You are a very creative person, Santi.
these are just delightful.

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Posted by Santi Pérez on 24 Apr 2024, 19:07

Thank you very much, Donald. It's true, every time I come up with a new project I try to make it original because that way I will be more motivated to carry it out and finish it, which is not always easy to achieve. ;-)

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by Iceman1964 on 25 Apr 2024, 10:43

Very original subject, Santi, as your style !
Great painting work :-D
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Iceman1964  Italy
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 29 Apr 2024, 19:19

Thanks so much for your kind words, Enrico. :-D

By the way, I've also made a video about the creation of this figure and I've posted it on YouTube. Here is the link for anyone who wants to watch it :-)

Best regards, my friends! :beer:

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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