General Wargaming

Maxen - A SYW approximation

Posted by Ochoin on 19 Apr 2024, 08:09

I'm a bit tired of the ECW project (all that fighting, screaming, bloodshed - and that was just the group planning sessions), so I thought a gentlemanly game of SYW would be nice. The game was inspired by the Battle of Maxen, where a Prussian advance guard is in danger of being cut off by the wily Austrians. The game will simply be asking the Prussians to hold off the main Austrian force on the south, whilst brushing past the smaller Austrian force on the north.

North side
South side
Prussian infantry brigade
2 light cavalry brigades under Austrian command
A flanking force of Croats & grenadiers - could be decisive
Austrian cuirassiers & dragoons.

Game kicks off in a few hours.

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Ochoin  Scotland
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Posted by Ochoin on 19 Apr 2024, 08:10

Game over. Sadly, we ran out of time.

"Von Winterfeldt" emailed me today & said he would look forward to a re-play. We only had just over 2 hours & he'd never played AGW before so not surprising we only got to the "crunch".

I think in about 3 weeks, on a Saturday, we could knock it over in 3+ hours.

cheers, donald
My much vaunted Austrian heavy cavalry Brigade:
2 of my Austrian heavies units fleeing:
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Ochoin  Scotland
Posts: 2479
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16 Jan 2010, 04:00

Posted by Peter on 19 Apr 2024, 10:42

Very nice. Thanks for sharing! :thumbup:
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Peter  Belgium

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Posted by PaulRPetri on 21 Apr 2024, 14:46

Great stuff as always Donald. I needed a dose of SYW as I missed the annual Seven Years War Association Convention on the first weekend of this month. My one and only daughter decided she just had to get married that weekend!
Oh well.
PaulRPetri  United States of America
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