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Linear-A news & releases 2020 - 2024

Posted by Minuteman on 18 Nov 2023, 11:13

This is a most extraordinary listing of future new sets. Quite amazing in fact for a small producer, so a "Well Done" to Linear A for their enterprise!
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 20 Nov 2023, 17:06

Another set is nearing its release. :thumbup:

066 - Roman Legion of Antonius in Egyptian service The Second Triumvirate

Guess we can expect some more updates over the coming weeks... ;-)
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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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Posted by CliosPaintingBench on 21 Nov 2023, 10:24

Okay, is this a little crazy? I was expecting maybe three new sets a year because of the succession of terrible global events and now we're getting a flood.

We're getting Hellenised / Egyptianised Roman republican legionaires. I mean, to me that's crazy. That's so unexpected and esoteric, I love it. Now I want to do a Roman legion 'gone native' in Egypt. I don't even have a single completed Roman legion yet and I'm getting ideas...

Does anyone know if the Hellenised romans are historical or vaguely fantastical / theoretical? I can't find any research on it.
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 22 Nov 2023, 12:39

The next set moving up... :thumbup:

042 - Indus Culture 3300 - 1400 BC Set 1 Meluhha - Dholavira, Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro

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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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Posted by MABO on 22 Nov 2023, 15:09

Their range is getting more and more exotic... Could this be a success?
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Posted by CliosPaintingBench on 23 Nov 2023, 01:59

MABO wrote:Their range is getting more and more exotic... Could this be a success?

Yeah... I don't know. Civilians for a range that hasn't been depicted in 1/72 before is an interesting idea. There's a guard and standard bearer I could use, but that's about it. I guess I'm glad we're getting completely new things? Even if they're not what I personally could use?

They're also making a Bacchanalia set but won't publish masters because the content is apparently 18+, and the store will take the buyer's age into account.


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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 24 Nov 2023, 16:06

Another announcement is taking shape. :thumbup:

069 - The Roman Army of Maximinus Thrax Set 1 Infantry Harzhorn 3rd Century AD


Besides, an apt example of the unnecessarily cumbersome designations of Linear-A sets again.
Roman Legion (3rd century) would have been just as sufficient... ;-) :-D

Anyway, looking forward to this late imperial Romans, not depicted in 1/72-plastics so far.
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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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Posted by CliosPaintingBench on 26 Nov 2023, 08:27

Erich von Manstein wrote:Another announcement is taking shape. :thumbup:

069 - The Roman Army of Maximinus Thrax Set 1 Infantry Harzhorn 3rd Century AD


Anyway, looking forward to this late imperial Romans, not depicted in 1/72-plastics so far.

I think these sculpts are really great, I'm amazed at the sheer breadth of new sets we're getting, the armour looks accurate and the sculpt quality is as usual, very high!
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CliosPaintingBench  Australia
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Posted by RSDean on 26 Nov 2023, 15:35

That’s an exciting line up. I hope that I will still be able to see enough to paint some of it.
RSDean  United States of America
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Posted by Rich W on 26 Nov 2023, 23:52

Thanks for the updates Erich!
Rich W  United Kingdom
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Posted by Michael Robert on 27 Nov 2023, 20:09

Hello Erich,
my thanks to the many updates you give us. It is always exciting.
Besides, an apt example of the unnecessarily cumbersome designations of Linear-A sets again.
Roman Legion (3rd century) would have been just as sufficient... ;-) :-D

To my mind the people from Linear A are motivated ancient history geeks and we should leave them their pleasure in having such titles. I like the choices and are amazed of what is coming and I like titles which carry you far away as well. Never thought going into ancients until they started and now it becomes a whole new world.
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 28 Nov 2023, 21:31

Erich von Manstein wrote:... Note that several positions have been changed and be aware that this list will continue to change and will most certainly see further additions. ...

As most may have noticed by now, Linear-A is now ramping up the pace without restraint and steadily expands its already enormous future plans. :shock:

This is how the schedule looks like tonight.

024 - Napoleonic Prussian Landwehr Cavalry
029 - Roman Anti-Elephant Wagon
Pyrrhic War
032 - Trajan's Dacian Campaign Set 1
035 - Greco-Bactrian Kingdom
041 - The Nika Revolt
042 - Indus Culture Set 1
043 - Old Babylonian Empires
044 - Margiana
047 - Seleucid Infantry Allies & Mercenaries Set 2
048 - Seleucid Cavalry & Chariot Set 3
049 - Seleucid vs Ptolemaic Elephants Set 4
052 - Army of Syracuse Set 2 Cavalry
053 - Cimmerians
054 - Lydians
055 - Urartu

056 - Neo-Assyrian Empire Set 1 Archers
057 - Neo-Assyrian Empire Set 2 Cavalry
058 - Enemies of Eastern Roman Empire Set 1 Goths
059 - Prehistoric Homo Sapiens - Hunting Set 2
060 - Yuezhi / Tochars Nomads
061 - Imperial Roman Centuriones, Command Set 1
062 - Neo-Assyrian Empire 9 Set 3
'after the battle'
063 - Legions of Gaius Julius Caesar Set 1
064 - Legions of Gaius Julius Caesar Set 2
065 - Legions of Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus Set 1
066 - Roman Legion of Antonius in Egyptian Service
067 - Legions of Marcus Licinius Crassus Set 1
068 - Hittite Empire Set 1 'Army on the march'
069 - Roman Army of Maximinus Thrax Set 1 Infantry
070 - Imperial Roman Standards & Standard Bearers, Command Set 2
071 - WWI German Landwehr at Tannenberg Set 1
074 - WWI German Infantry at Verdun Set 2
079 - WWI Saxon Rifles 1914-15 Set 3

080 - 1st Punic War Republican Roman Infantry Set 1
081 - 1st Punic War Carthaginian Infantry Set 1
082 - 1st Punic War Carthaginian Naval Infantry
083 - Neo-Assyrian Empire Set 4 Siege Engineers
084 - Neo-Assyrian Empire Set 5 Infantry
085 - Dilman, Magan, Jiroft Set 1
086 - Neo-Babylonian Empire Set 1
087 - Roman Army of Maximinus Thrax Set 2 Cavalry
088 - Bacchanalia in Ancient Rome Set 1
089 - Roman Artillery Set 1 - Ballista

090 - Hittite Empire Set 2 'Army in Battle'
091 - Mittani Empire Set 1 'Mittani Army'
092 - Roman Artillery Set 2 - Onager
093 - Wilusa Set 1
094 - Legions of Marcus Licinius Crassus Set 2
095 - The Minoans Set 2
(bull-leapers & palace life)
096 - Germanic Warriors Set 1 Infantry 3rd cent. AD
097 - Byzantine Cavalry Set 1
098 - Italien hill tribes / Rome's early enemies
099 - Rome`s early period Set 2
100 - Rome`s mid period Set 1
101 - Greek Gods
102 - Cilician Pirates
103 - early 18th cent. Prussian Grenadiers
of Frederick William I. Set 1
104 - late 18th cent. Prussian Grenadiers of Frederick the Great Set 2
105 - Carthaginian Citizen Infantry
106 - Carthaginian Sacred Band

007s - Hittite King Mursili I. & Guardsman (with 5 figures instead of 4)
008s - Julius Caesar & General Staff (5 figures)
009s - Roman Artillery Set 3 - Scorpio
013s - Hadrian's Wall
014s - King Pyrrhus of Epirus
015s - Vigiles Urbani "Cohortes Vigilum" Set 2
016s - Neo-Assyrian Empire Command Set 1
(5 figures)
017s - Neo-Assyrian Empire Command Set 2 (5 figures)
018s - Neo-Assyrian Empire Set 3 (5 figures)
019s - Goths Theodoric the Great (5 figures)
020s - Carthaginian General Staff (5 figures)
021s - Cleopatra VII. (5 figures)
022s - Alexander the Great & General Staff (5 figures)

Only time can tell if and when we may actually see these and other potential future ambitions come to fruition. ;-) :yeah:
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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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Posted by steve_pickstock on 29 Nov 2023, 19:20

I have an old Assyrian army with Hat figures, designed for Warhammer Ancient Battles. It is a good army, though if I looked at it today, I could probably tweak it. However these are really tasty. I'm inclined to pick some up for a smaller Dragon Rampant army.
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 30 Nov 2023, 11:24

Another set of the upcoming release batch is coming to life. :thumbup:

009s - Roman Artillery Set 3 Scorpio


Unlike earlier ones, this miniset will include 6 figures in 3 poses and 2 artillery pieces. :yeah:
We shall see which effect this might have on the pricing. ;-)
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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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Posted by MABO on 30 Nov 2023, 15:11

Erich von Manstein wrote:We shall see which effect this might have on the pricing. ;-)


But the set looks good!
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Posted by elegantmess on 01 Dec 2023, 04:26

I have been waiting a long time for these artillery pieces. Can't wait to see the onager.
elegantmess  United States of America
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Posted by Rich W on 02 Dec 2023, 00:21

I like the look of this set a lot!
Rich W  United Kingdom
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Posted by Howlin on 04 Dec 2023, 05:16

Wow! I took a small hiatus, and come back to a full catalog about to release. Wow. So many great sets from amazingly done Hittites, including rare surprises like the Indus Culture, (a must add on) to the long awaited Roman Ballista! (I need like 2-4 of those for my Emperors flagship they are a nice size, not too big like Zvezda, nor on the small side like HAT) better start saving for the day they hit American shores.

Super Exciting to see all this rapid advancement! (glad to see the company thrive)

Well done to all of them.
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Posted by Howlin on 04 Dec 2023, 07:59

Also its hard to tell since the pictures use painted and vegetated bases, but it looks like they may be finally breaking from the bare minimum blob of a base that minis never stay up and basing is so tedious.... it looks like they are giving us big supportive bases.... and I welcome this.

(see the early prints of the Assyrian troops on large square bases)
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 13 Dec 2023, 19:16

Linear-A confirms the availability of the first 2 sets from the recently announced release batch.
Unfortunate circumstances are preventing the release of the entire 12 sets at the moment.
Now available are:

089 - Roman Artillery Set 1 - Ballista


009s - Roman Artillery Set 3 - Scorpio


It's possible that 1 or 2 further sets will follow this year.
The rest are expected around the end of January or beginning of February.
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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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