
The Battle of Antietam ( Sharpsburg) 17th September 1862

Posted by k.b. on 23 Sep 2023, 12:47

It is my belief that most of us here on Bennos are more interested in miniature soldiers than anything else so it is only natural that that is what we primarily focus on when someone posts a thread here.

You, however, Mr Dobson enchant us with much more than just toy soldiers, you take the landscaping of your battlefields to a whole new dimension. For some reason today my attention has been drawn to the incredibly beautiful scenery that you put your miniatures upon. The lengths you have gone to to reproduce this battle is nothing short of astonishing. And your photographic skills are more than on a par with every other element of your work.

I think I can honestly say that I don’t know any other wargamer (in any scale) who comes even close to producing the magic on the tabletop that you do. Oh yes there may be better painted miniatures than yours, maybe even more beautiful buildings and trees but they are all placed on static museum pieces and in general are huge group projects. Yet, in putting all that you do, from your meticulous research, to the infinite number of painted figures used, to the buildings, trees, fences bridges, rivers, streams etc into the reproduction of military history you are out on your own Mr Dobson.

I commend your unbelievable dedication and thank you for brightening up the lives of so many of your admirers here on Bennos. Yours truly is honored to be one of them. Thank you Chris. I take my hat off to you sir.
k.b.  Brazil
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Posted by C M Dodson on 23 Sep 2023, 18:09

Thank you to everyone for their lovely comments.

I must, in particular, thank Mr K.B. for his extraordinary praise which has really left me feeling humbled.

I feel that whilst I am improving as I fight my battles, that there is so much more to learn and my unofficial mentor, Mr Wolfgang Meyer is still raising the bar!

Nevertheless, I would like to thank Mr K B once again from myself and my ever tolerant wife, Der Feldmarschall who let me block up the whole garage and access to our freezer for two days whilst I added the Rhorbach bridge extension.

Thank you again.

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 26 Sep 2023, 12:27

Each new chapter of this fantastic story leaves us wanting more, Chris. Thank you so much for sharing this amazing work with us all. :drool: :drool: :drool:

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Posted by Susofrick on 27 Sep 2023, 09:57

I think that many of us feel like Keith! Wonderful work!
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Posted by C M Dodson on 08 Nov 2023, 17:01

The Battle of Antietam ( Sharpsburg) 17th September 1862

Timeline 10.30 AM

Union troops under the command of Brigadier General Samuel D. Sturgis are storming the Rhorbach bridge under a hail of Confederate musketry.



The Union First and Third Divisions, Second Corps are assaulting the sunken lane area.

The attack by the Third Division, Brigadier General William. B. French commanding on John B Gordon’s Alabamian’s section of the lane has been stopped in its tracks. Seizing the moment, Confederates elements have flanked an unfortunate Union Brigade by the Newcomer house.


However, following the repulse of the Irish Brigade, a following attack by their comrades has resulted in hand to hand fighting with North Carolina troops in the sunken lane by the Clipp house.


Meanwhile, Major General Edwin Summer, the old dragoon, is pressing Major General John Sedgwick’s Second Division into the West wood.


In his rush to get to grips with the enemy he has not noticed Major General Lafayette McLaws Confederate Division appearing on his left flank, putting his command in peril.

McLaw’s troops, tired from an overnight march from Harpers Ferry to Sharpsburg are nonetheless eager to crush their opponents, when…..

The first blunder dice roll of the battle so far, results in a Divisional right wheel putting them on a collision course, with a friendly, supporting Brigade.


The Confederate flanking attack is now in disarray and the element of surprise has been lost.

The Gods of war are smiling, but for whom?
C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by k.b. on 09 Nov 2023, 02:45

Your meticulous research and attention to detail makes one feel as though one is actually on the battlefield. I find your landscapes so realistic that when your troops take up their positions, your incredible narration and photographic skills seem to transport us back in time and bring the whole thing to life.
Thank you for such amazing inspiration Chris, I take my hat off to you!
k.b.  Brazil
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Posted by C M Dodson on 10 Nov 2023, 10:36

You are, as always, very kind with your comments, which, are very much appreciated.

There is such a wealth of information available about the American Civil War, the buildings, landscapes etc that it has been a pleasure to learn so much and be able re create the battlefield in such detail.

Plenty of bonkerishness to keep you entertained too!

Best wishes,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by Beano Boy on 10 Nov 2023, 12:29


Some words will simply do. BB
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Posted by despertaferro on 11 Nov 2023, 14:22

Truly cinematic result...


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Posted by Rich W on 14 Nov 2023, 00:08

Another wonderful update Chris!
Rich W  United Kingdom
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Posted by Minuteman on 16 Nov 2023, 14:47

Simply Splendid! Such fantastic images, great composition of pictures, and a real 'feel' for a battle in full swing. :yeah:
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 19 Nov 2023, 20:34

Beano Boy wrote:Image

I agree with BB that this is the word that best expresses the quality and interest of your project, Chris. :mrgreen:

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by Bessiere on 20 Nov 2023, 03:41

If not for AP Hills timely arrival the fate of Lee's army was in a very precarious position with a flank open cutting them off from retreat across the river. As ever your pictures are as close to reality as we can get given your attention to detail. Fabulous work Mr D.
Bessiere  United States of America
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Posted by C M Dodson on 21 Nov 2023, 15:42

Thank you to everyone again for their kind and motivational words.

Mr B’s favourite officer, Mr. Gordon is in the thick of it just like the first time around.

Best wishes,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by Bessiere on 22 Nov 2023, 02:31

Thank you Mr D, I was going to ask about his status. :yeah:
Bessiere  United States of America
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Posted by Bill Slavin on 06 Dec 2023, 14:56

Catching up on missed posts - this looks fantastic, Chris, as always. I love the storming of the bridge photos.
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Posted by Captain Sibourne on 07 Dec 2023, 11:40

I am grateful to Bill for bringing this to the top of the stack. The photography and composition of these story boards are extraordinary and are at a standard that the rest of us can only dream of. Roll on the next instalment, and then Aspern-Essling!
Captain Sibourne  United Kingdom
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Posted by C M Dodson on 07 Dec 2023, 12:13

Thank you to Bill and the good Captain for their very kind words.

You are both very kind.

I have indeed been researching my next project much to my wife’s horror.

The National Army museum in Vienna is an excellent reference to what an Austrian 1809 uniform actually looked like rather than the Daz ( detergent) white challenge so often seen on gaming boards.

However, 1862 is the priority although my garage is currently freezing.

Best wishes,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by MABO on 07 Dec 2023, 16:59

C M Dodson wrote:I have indeed been researching my next project much to my wife’s horror.

I am looking forward to... :yeah:
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Posted by Bessiere on 08 Dec 2023, 00:17

Napoleon awaits the spring thaw to cross the Danube in his Dodson garage winter quarters.
Bessiere  United States of America
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