
Asterix & Obelix & Idefix

Posted by dykio on 26 Oct 2023, 17:03

Hi fellow members,

Long long time ago in a galaxy far far away..... o sorry different project :oops: :-D .
So a long time ago perhaps 10 years or so i started something that would in the end become the gaul village from Asterix. But as most of my projects go it somehow moved to the background and then dissapared.... Now i finally have some time to continue with it

Now i quit recently bought a couple of the wel known chewinggum figures and decided to continue with these. So not much progress yet but i will every now and then make an update in this post.

I had already painted a coule of them (including panoramix) but now i also finished asterix and offcourse obelix and idefix.

So here are the pictures and..... to be continued :-D

These are the welknown figures. I dont think i got all of them but i still have a couple to go :-D


I always start with cleaning them with soap and (when dry offcourse) i spraypaint them grey


And so they go from this..


to this


Asterix/Obelix and Idefix



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dykio  Netherlands
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 26 Oct 2023, 18:42

Wow, dykio, that Obelix looks superb, as well as his fellow adventurers Asterix and Idefix. I love the cleanliness and precision of the paintjob. :love: :love: :love:

I really like them better than my own versions of the same characters (although in the picture Idefix is replaced by a crazy Roman):


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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by Beano Boy on 27 Oct 2023, 02:22

Yes, yes, yes. dykio,
great to see all your Asterix figures especially the painted ones. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

i have many in my own collections too, along with the rather rare metal ones. :mrgreen: To many i think.

Remco, of course is the king of painting Asterix Legionaries of Rome , and other figures too from that range of bubble gum figures. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

Nice to see the neatly painted ones too, presented by Santi. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:


i love all this above that i could see, especially the little painted dog from that Asterix collection. :thumbup:

:coffee: Best Regards to all,
stay safe and stay well BB
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Posted by MABO on 27 Oct 2023, 13:31

I think Remco will love these last posts.

Super paintjob. And I am very pleased that you going on with this project.
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Posted by Bill Slavin on 27 Oct 2023, 17:29

Very nice! I especially like your Obelix as well.
My first Asterix book, Asterix and Cleopatra, came back from England to Canada in 1970 with my brother, who had been studying there. It changed my life.
Bubble gum characters? Does that mean they were included in bubble gum packages?
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Posted by PhilC on 27 Oct 2023, 18:18

Incredible paintjob! I find it difficult to paint figures with a cartoon aspect, and the result here is a real success :)
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 28 Oct 2023, 18:16

Beano Boy wrote:...Remco, of course is the king of painting Asterix Legionaries of Rome , and other figures too from that range of bubble gum figures...

Bill Slavin wrote:...Bubble gum characters? Does that mean they were included in bubble gum packages?

Yes, Bill, BB is right.

Here in Spain, there were at least two collections of plastic Asterix figures in circulation. The first one I knew as a child consisted of smaller figures that came as a gift with a piece of chewing gum:


In my country the distributor was the company Dunkin:


It seems that in other countries they were different distributors, but the figures also came with chewing gum:


Later, new and larger figures appeared that were no longer packaged with chewing gum, although they continued to accompany other products as gifts. I got the ones I have in my collection by buying packets of spreadable cheese for my daughter:


All the pictures in this post were taken from a great blog, belonging to Javier Sánchez, dedicated to collecting promotional figures, whose link I include below. Sorry, but the blog is only in Spanish. :(

Best regards.

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by Bill Slavin on 28 Oct 2023, 20:55

Thanks for that, Santi. None of that ever made it across the Atlantic, as far as I know.

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Posted by Kekso on 30 Oct 2023, 08:40

That's is very beautiful Dyko. Now I want to paint mine (in different scale)
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Posted by T. Dürrschmidt on 30 Oct 2023, 19:25

Saw this figs for the first time. Great work. Very unique and colorful stuff.
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Posted by Dad's Army on 30 Oct 2023, 22:50

Fantastic work Dykio. like said before.
If you need more figures just let me know, because I have bougt to much of these in my hunt for the Romain Solders. Just mail me at and I will send them to you.

About the paintwork, I am jealous about your painting style.
I wish I could paint like that, but I paint them myself more like in the comic, hard lines, color next to color without the blacklining.
But amazing, keep up the good work, and let me know if you need more figures from this range!
Show me more (and bring them to FIGZ)
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Posted by Susofrick on 31 Oct 2023, 10:34

Very nice work, Dykio. I well remember your village and it's good to see it populated. Didn't think that the figures reached Sweden either, BUT I have a dancing girl with a tambourine that I found in a sand box when I was a kid and, well, I put her up for identification here and some of the figures did reached Sweden, appearantly.
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Posted by dykio on 02 Nov 2023, 15:49

Hi guys,

Thanks for al the nice remarks :yeah: . I must say that it is realy enjoyable to paint these figures !!
And thanks Santi for the list with figures. Now i know what to ask Remco :-D

and talking about Remco...i must confess that looking at his electronix figure made me continue with my project.

Very inspirational so thank for that.

And Kekso please show us youre figures in again a different scale??.

So to be continued (And Remco im definately gonna mail you. Thanks in advance :yeah: :yeah: :yeah: )
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dykio  Netherlands
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Posted by Peter on 02 Dec 2023, 13:16

Wonderfull painted figures Dykio! And just like Remco I would like to see them at FIGZ next year. ;-) :thumbup:
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