
The Battle of Antietam ( Sharpsburg) 17th September 1862

Posted by Peter on 14 Jul 2023, 17:15

Excellent new episode from this great battle! Thanks for sharing Chris! :thumbup:
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Posted by Bessiere on 15 Jul 2023, 03:21

Brilliant photos as usual. Your ability to create poses and match them to their part in the scene is masterful Mr D. I love the artillery about to be captured, you can feel the suspense. May be time to cut the traces and run. Wonderful work.
Bessiere  United States of America
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Posted by Konrad on 15 Jul 2023, 10:40

You always manage to create an uncanny intensity with your pictures.
You think you can smell the gunpowder.
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Posted by Beano Boy on 15 Jul 2023, 10:57

brilliant work on all levels,
congratulations to all concerned you are the best of the best. BB
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Posted by C M Dodson on 15 Jul 2023, 15:19

Thank you everyone, it is most appreciated that you appreciate my work.

Thank you Mr B but it is all my own work, with a few lovely painted troops from Mr Mischak. His painting standard far exceeds mine and he kindly donated some troops a few years ago.

Things really get going at 10.15 AM, my next move.

Best wishes,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by Rich W on 16 Jul 2023, 00:55

Excellent updates Chris. Again your photos really show off the lovely little details (that you must put a heck of a lot of thought into). I'll wait patiently for 10:15!
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 16 Jul 2023, 19:20

As interesting as always the new installment of your fantastic Antietam story, Chris. Great figures, wonderful scenery and very artistic photos. :love: :love: :love:

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Posted by PatrickJ71 on 17 Jul 2023, 15:11

I can only agree with all comments above: lovely figures, great scenery and fantastic photografy! :yeah:
Sorry for this boring comment but my English is not good enough to find new glorifying adjectives each time :oops:
Thanks for sharing this fotographic story and looking forward to the next episode.
PatrickJ71  Belgium
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Posted by Bill Slavin on 17 Jul 2023, 18:29

Thanks, Chris. It’s wonderful to see another intallment of this saga. Great story-telling all around!

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Posted by Minuteman on 17 Jul 2023, 19:32

Bessiere wrote:Brilliant photos as usual. Your ability to create poses and match them to their part in the scene is masterful Mr D. I love the artillery about to be captured, you can feel the suspense. May be time to cut the traces and run. Wonderful work.

I agree absolutely. I enjoy picking out familiar poses amongst the masses of figures, some of which (eg: running at full pelt) are less-than-useful for a wargames unit, but find their place most naturally in these wonderful images. Skilful composition throughout.

Amazing also that we are still only at 10am...!
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Posted by C M Dodson on 18 Jul 2023, 12:01

Thank you to everyone for their kind comments and especially Patrick whose English is better than my German.

I am aware that a project with this timeframe can start to get repetitive which is why I am always on the look out for new picture ideas that convey the story.

Luckily, as this is a re fight, the variables do throw out opportunities which I am keen to record on film.

Much to Der Feldmarschall’s horror I am now setting up the Rhorbach bridge extension as Hookers assault commences. This means the garage will be be ‘off bounds’ until I get my move done. She is not happy!

Meanwhile, Second Corps happy advance is about to get a suprise from Mr Longstreet.

Lots to do.

Best wishes,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by k.b. on 18 Jul 2023, 21:05

Your work never fails to astonish Chris. Meticulous research is obviously where it all begins and it ends in your stunning photography. Boy oh boy am I jealous of your amazing layouts….. your battles remind of those fought at Peter Gilder’s Holiday Center many decades ago. If I remember rightly he had a little periscope that he used to give those playing an idea of what it felt like from a soldier’s perspective. With your photography you give us the same view. Only your landscapes are even better.
Congratulations on your labour of love and we are all waiting with bated breath for your next post!
k.b.  Brazil
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Posted by PatrickJ71 on 18 Jul 2023, 22:13

C M Dodson wrote:Thank you to everyone for their kind comments and especially Patrick whose English is better than my German

Hi Chris,
since I am Flemish, my native language is Dutch. :-D
I'm currently on holiday in Germany and I can assure you: my German is even worse than my English :xd: .....but I try to speak it here ( with a lot of gestures now and then) because I find it enriching.
PatrickJ71  Belgium
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Posted by C M Dodson on 19 Jul 2023, 10:36

Thank you Patrick.

That is the spirt !

It is always great to have a go at languages as it opens so many doors, so to speak.

My German is very basic and my Greek is still dreadful after fourteen years of trying!

Thank you Mr K B for your kind words and reference to an old hero of mine, the late Mr Gilder.

You are very kind.

Best wishes,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by C M Dodson on 22 Sep 2023, 19:23

The Battle of Antietam ( Sharpsburg) 17th September 1862

Timeline 10.15 AM

The Union Second Corps advance continues.

The Second Division commanded by Major General John Sedgwick and led by an enthusiastic Major General Edwin V. Summers enters the West Woods in anticipation of destroying the battered remnants of Jackson’s Corps .


These Confederate troops, reinforced by Brigadier General John G. Walker’s small Division are positioned to receive this assault supported by the regrouped artillery on the Hauser ridge.


Meanwhile, the Union Second Corps, First Division is attacking the sunken lane area. Heavy losses are being incurred with the Irish Brigade suffering severely.


However, support has arrived in the shape of the Second Corps Third Divsion, Brigadier General William B French commanding.


The Union Second Division’s artillery is being brought forward past the ruined Mumma farm to support the assaults.


Major General James Longstreet observes the Federal advance looking for an opportunity to unleash his hidden reserve of Major General Lafayette McLaws Division.


A still sulking Major General Ambrose E.Burnside commanding the Union Ninth Corps has belatedly despatched Brigadier General Issac Rodman’s Third Division to try and outflank the Confederate position above the Rhorbach Bridge by way of crossing the Antietam river at Snavelys Ford.

This manoeuvre will take time and therefore the Second Division led by Brigadier General Samuel D. Sturgis is ordered to storm the bridge.



The Confederates, reinforced by a brigade of Virginians await the onslaught.


Forward….To glory!
C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by Bessiere on 22 Sep 2023, 20:11

Toombs moment is at hand. Gordon as well. I'm hanging on tenterhooks to learn their fate. Beautiful photos and masterful composition Mr D.
Bessiere  United States of America
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Posted by John Simmons on 22 Sep 2023, 22:13

Wonderful, as always, Chris. I love the shot looking across the bridge at the waiting Confederates. The narrow gauntlet looks wonderfully daunting. No wonder it took getting their whiskey back to get the 51st PA to charge and take the bridge.

John Simmons  United States of America
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Posted by Rich W on 22 Sep 2023, 23:05

Excellent again Chris! Lovely little details sprinkled throughout those photos.
Rich W  United Kingdom
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Posted by Bill Slavin on 23 Sep 2023, 00:18

Wonderful stuff, Chris! Thus instalment just brightened a very bleak day! I, too, love the bridge picture - really nice modelling of the river bank and bridge.
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Posted by Minuteman on 23 Sep 2023, 11:10

Wonderful and spectacular photography as always. Well done Mr Dodson!
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Minuteman  United Kingdom
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