General Wargaming


Posted by Ochoin on 20 Sep 2023, 11:41

It's been a long time coming but it looks as though a new rule set may re-vitalise our Chariot-wargaming after several years.
Tomorrow, using the 'Hail Caesar' rules, a coalition of Hittites, Mycenaeans & Sea Peoples will attempt an invasion of Egypt.

The table is set up as an encounter battle. Please don't hate the 3 colour gaming mat - there's still plenty of work needed on this period.

Muwattalis, the Hittite king leads 2 divisions.

Mycenaeans (Trojans?) are in an allied division.

The 'wild card' will be the Shasu nomads who may enter the fight on either side.

The Egyptians, with masses of bow-armed infantry and swarms of chariots, look formidable.

More photos tomorrow; post-game.

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Posted by Kekso on 20 Sep 2023, 11:52

I'm not very patient person. That means I would hardly finish painting figures for an army and I don't have time to learn the rules. But still, sometimes I envy wargamers for having fun such like this one.
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Posted by Ochoin on 20 Sep 2023, 12:04

Kekso wrote:I'm not very patient person. That means I would hardly finish painting figures for an army and I don't have time to learn the rules. But still, sometimes I envy wargamers for having fun such like this one.

I've done the "heavy lifting" of painting the figures & I could teach the rules quickly - so, my place tomorrow?
You can lead a division of Hittites under the King's son - Prince Zannanda.

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Ochoin  Scotland
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Posted by Bessiere on 20 Sep 2023, 20:03

Looks to be one heckuva scrap Donald. Beautiful display of units on your table. Playing would be great but I could stand and drool while looking over all these figures you've adorned with your brush. Well done.
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Posted by Ochoin on 21 Sep 2023, 05:21

'Hail Caesar '- I am impressed. Our first game was fun, quick & satisfying. What more could you want?

A crushing Hittite et al victory in about 3+ hours. The game was very much one of chariots with infantry playing a supporting role - as history indicates.
The NKE had more chariots:


The Hittites/ Mycenaeans had more chariot runners which gave crucial support:

A couple of crucial breakthroughs:


The NKE had lost 2 divisions & were being enveloped by their enemy, so conceded:


Definitely use these rules again & they will probably become our 'go to' rule set.

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Ochoin  Scotland
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Posted by Michael Robert on 21 Sep 2023, 12:48

Hello Donald,

very nice setting, figures and game. I am intrigued by the fact that the gaming rules' set actually determines the outcome of the game. This is my impression. So the early technology of chariots you write is the decisive factor. How much do the rules dominate, meaning could a better player for the Egyptians have a chance against Hittites with more chariots?
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Posted by Ochoin on 21 Sep 2023, 14:15

Hello, Michael.

I think a wargames' rule set should reflect history but also allow some "wiggle room" for the skill of the wargamer. The 'Hail Caesar' rules don't automatically determine who wins but places certain strengths on certain units. Light chariots are fast, manoeuvrable, and can shoot up slow moving infantry before charging a weakened unit to rout it. This is accurate, historically.

I have actually been thinking about the game & the result. Remember, it's a "first" so there is still much to learn.
However, against the dreaded chariots it should be possible to set up a defence.
For example, have a shorter battle line and use the extra units to provide support for the front line infantry units.
Numbers can tell. You may be allowing the chariots to sweep around your line & attack from the rear, of course.
Also, there are quite a few foot archer units - especially with the Egyptian army. I think if you positioned them to allow for interlocking fields of fire, you might make a charge from the chariots quite costly.

Next time, I'll take the NKE & see if I can reverse the result.

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Ochoin  Scotland
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Posted by Kaiphranos on 21 Sep 2023, 18:55

Looks great - makes me want to get my armies out on the table!
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Posted by Kekso on 22 Sep 2023, 09:51

Ochoin wrote: so, my place tomorrow?


...but thank you for kind invitation... maybe some other time :thumbup:
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Posted by C M Dodson on 22 Sep 2023, 13:24

Very nice work and gaming indeed.

It’s not my period but having recently read a novel about some Egyptian spy I think you have caught the ‘ feel’ of the time.

Excellent stuff.

Best wishes,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by Minuteman on 22 Sep 2023, 19:05

A fine array of ancients, and I very much like the chariots....the 'heavy armour' of the period. Well done donald!
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Posted by PaulRPetri on 23 Sep 2023, 16:09

Donald my teleporter failed me and I was unable to attend your game! Damn the bad luck!! What a set up great stuff!! Your wargame armies cannot be matched! Hail Caesar and Blackpowder offer a quick and fairly easy gaming experience in my book.
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Posted by Peter on 24 Sep 2023, 17:57

Looking great Donald! Thanks for sharing! :thumbup:
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