Work in Progress

Stalingrad for Crossfire rules

Posted by PaulRPetri on 23 Jun 2023, 19:20

Hello All.

I have not posted anything in a few months on the forum but I have not been idle. In fact as usual I have too many projects going all at once. I ran a WWII Crossfire game at our local convention back in April and it went over very well. I have run these type of games for my local gaming group and they have been very well received. So I decided to try my hand at a small Stalingrad type scenario so here is pretty much the section of town that I plan to use. Some of the pictures at the begining were taken a month or so ago when not all of the stuff was painted.















I have the troops done I just have to take pictures of them! Thanks for looking!
PaulRPetri  United States of America
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Posted by Peter on 23 Jun 2023, 19:46

Wonderfull painted ruins! :thumbup:

I think I see some Sarissa buildings but the others???? :eh:
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Posted by blacksmith on 24 Jun 2023, 09:26

Fantastic ruins and table. Crossfire is not for everybody but it is a great ruleset.
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blacksmith  Spain
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Posted by Minuteman on 24 Jun 2023, 11:47

These ruins look great Paul! I am not familiar with Crossfire, but I image that the different extent of the ruins, with some providing elevated firing positions for instance, will allow for a realistic and tense urban combat game.
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Minuteman  United Kingdom
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Posted by PaulRPetri on 24 Jun 2023, 15:45

Thanks for the kind comments. Peter no Sarissa buildings if you can believe it! Most are from a company called Novus Design here in the USA which decided to close shop not long after I started buying buildings from them!? A few are from Miniature Building authority, these were prepainted ones I bought at a real bargain at an auction this past spring, on the very last picture they are the two bottom buildings on the right side and the two top buildings also on the right side. I bought 4 buildings from a company called Table Top Terrain which prints out plastic buildings on demand. I made the ruble piles and most of the walls which I am sure you can tell.
Crossfire is a very different game however the five guys I had play in my convention game in April had never played it and really liked it. Considering Crossfire was originaly published in 1996 it is still a very fresh and new game concept in my view.
PaulRPetri  United States of America
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Posted by Peter on 24 Jun 2023, 19:15

Thanks for the info about the buildings Paul! :thumbup:

I thought I saw this building but it's my mistake. ;-)

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Peter  Belgium

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Posted by Beano Boy on 26 Jun 2023, 13:44

Old time buildings are close to my heart for design and scratch building,
however as an old time rail-roader i like the use of railway lines too.

Well done Paul, :thumbup: for all your hobby style time spent too. :coffee: BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by atalante on 26 Jun 2023, 18:37

Bravo, it really makes you want to sit down at the table for a few games! There is diversity in the sets, a great success.
atalante  France
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Posted by C M Dodson on 27 Jun 2023, 09:04

Very nice.

If you want to get the full demolition effect I would suggest cheap cat litter.

Spray dyed / painted it forms huge mounds of rubble for next to nothing.

Best wishes,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by PaulRPetri on 27 Jun 2023, 17:28

Thanks for all of the kind comments and suggestions. I found a few more images on my phone showing works in progress and what not.
This is a shot of the two Miniature Building Authority buildings that actually break in half to double your options.

A few works in progress shots.

A few close up shots.

Going to spray seal these bad boys.

More Close up shots

Thanks for having a look!
PaulRPetri  United States of America
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Posted by Peter on 02 Jul 2023, 19:22

Thanks for sharing Paul! :thumbup:
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Peter  Belgium

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Posted by Ochoin on 04 Jul 2023, 01:19

An amazing collection.

My belief is for WW2 gaming terrain is *more* important than figures & vehicles. For this particular project, it is imperative.

That does not mean I'm indifferent to photos of your troops! Please post asap.

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Ochoin  Scotland
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Posted by PaulRPetri on 14 Oct 2024, 19:19

I was able to finally run a game using my Stalingrad set up. A few things went wrong from my end of things but my gaming group is pretty forgiving... Mostly anyway. I only managed to take a few shots I was too busy keeping the game moving to stop to document. Anyway here is what I was able to take.








As always thanks for looking.
PaulRPetri  United States of America
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02 Apr 2019, 00:59

Posted by Santi Pérez on 16 Oct 2024, 12:49

What a splendid collection of ruined buildings, Paul, you have achieved a very real depiction of Stalingrad under German attack! :love:

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by PaulRPetri on 16 Oct 2024, 12:53

Thank you so much Santi for your very kind comments.
PaulRPetri  United States of America
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