
Howlin's world of Triremes, and Biremes and more!

Posted by Howlin on 10 Jun 2023, 07:52

yes I have considered some wrecked ships, since I have kit bashed some of them I have some spare parts to easily do some floating debris. (but then again I have turned some of those parts into other ships, such as the first one posted on this thread) Sometimes on ebay people sell half put together models or junky ones and I would like to find one like that to use as well, in one case I just bought a sprue of a sail with a few other spare parts! but the hull of the ship was missing. Those will be some of the last things I make.

Ebay is where I find my minis sometimes they go for pretty reasonable rates and I waited for good deals as I have for most of these ships. For the Atlantic ones I generally only have 1 pose of, but don't have the Trojans or gladiators. I would like a line of the Trojans, but particularly if I could find the Egyptian fishing boat that would be nice. Those are super rare.

Removable sails are a must for me, they are just there for display purposes. Its pretty easy to just not glue them in, and build a little holding bracket on the base of the model to keep it from tipping over. The base actually even has 2 holes at the bow and stern to be able to shake out a mini if it ever falls in the floor hatch.
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Howlin  United States of America
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Posted by Kekso on 10 Jun 2023, 19:23

Well, words such as "beautiful" and "piece" are used already in this topic :)
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Posted by Rich W on 11 Jun 2023, 00:17

Really excellent work on this!
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Posted by PatrickJ71 on 11 Jun 2023, 11:41

What a beautiful ship you've made there, Howlin.
Nicely painted too and the water of the sea looks fantastic. Beautiful color, the foam on the waves: great!
The Atlantic figures remind me of my childhood. I think I still have some of them (partly painted and then painted ugly too :( ).
Tanks for sharing, I'm already looking forward to your next project.
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Posted by Minuteman on 11 Jun 2023, 23:03

That is one very impressive ancient Greek warship, excellent work!
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Posted by Howlin on 12 Jun 2023, 07:18

Thanks everyone!

I went searching for pictures to see how other people painted the armor for them (I decided its just leather flaps), and it was not easy to find many examples at all. When they do come for sale (which actually ending today on ebay are 2 sets of decently painted Atlantic minis bidding for $1 !!) are generally painted with the really glossy paint from the 70's and look like a child did them. But there is really nice detail in them and they do paint well. I highly reccomend them, especially the Egyptian court.

Next project actually could be not too far off, I have 2 ships painted already that just need bases and minis. The problem being I have developed a slight chess habit.
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Howlin  United States of America
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Posted by Beano Boy on 12 Jun 2023, 18:00


i turned it around and upset Photo Bucket again,i think?
Good to see boats again on this Forum. :thumbup: BB
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Posted by C M Dodson on 12 Jun 2023, 18:48

Very nice work.

Mr Crynns is the expert on all matters ancient vessels if you need any help.

Best wishes,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by Howlin on 13 Jun 2023, 17:51

Yes I am aware of his work, and someday would like to add one of his merchant ships to the lot, the detail is amazing. It is through his post I found the rowers artwork too, which I got permission to use.

Actually before I even started coming to this forum, I was looking for pictures of 1/72 worlds and came across some of his (didn't know at the time) pictures of a walled city with several warships in the background, which really helped inspire me to switch from medieval themed to Ancient as I loved the ships and the idea of a maritime theme. (there is just so much more creative license that can be applied to an ancient age. )
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Howlin  United States of America
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Posted by CliosPaintingBench on 15 Jun 2023, 02:08

Howlin wrote:Next project actually could be not too far off, I have 2 ships painted already that just need bases and minis. The problem being I have developed a slight chess habit.

Next thing you know, you'll be making custom chess pieces that look like ships. Slippery slope.
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Posted by Howlin on 15 Jun 2023, 15:36

I am pretty much already there since Chess is the foundation of real time strategy table top games. Each ship will have its own advantages and disadvantages In how they play....

But that is actually a novel idea and could really make a simple chess game but different.... the pawns are rammers, but the rooks could be boarders, and take over pieces they capture, and knights could have projectiles and take pieces without jumping into those spots but only move at like one square at a time... neat ideas in there....
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Howlin  United States of America
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Posted by Howlin on 15 Jun 2023, 20:03

So hear me out.... an ancinet maritime themed chess game...

Pawns (biremes) get 2 moves all the time... but one move is for a 90 degree direction change, and advance a square, or move 2 squares... or move then turn, still captures on the forward diagonal, unless its another pawn infront of them that is not facing them then can attack forward. Pawns could go backwards but would take a full turn just to make the turn possible.

Knights. (artillery ships) move like a king, but in a knights normal movement is a ranged attack that once they move into a position on the next turn if a piece is in one of those positions, takes them out ( should be able to get chased down by pawns unless protected)

Bishops (fire ships) move and attack diagonally but when attack do not replace the piece, the piece they hit becomes disabled for a turn as it burns on fire, the lowest rank ship that is on a shared facing square (not diagonal) will then also catch on fire the next turn. (which then the first hit piece is removed from the board) only other bishops (and possibly queen?) can put out the fires by being in adjoining squares.

Rooks (quinarimes) attack but convert other pieces except other rooks, that then get replaced to that square. The rooks still exchange spots with what they covert but the converted piece is put behind the direction they came.

Queens (flagship) work just like regular queens

King just like kings, but if guarding a piece a rook takes it will not be converted but removed from the game.
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Howlin  United States of America
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Posted by Peter on 21 Jun 2023, 19:54

Excellent work on that Bireme and the Atlantic figures! :thumbup:
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Posted by Howlin on 22 Jun 2023, 02:39

thank you!
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Howlin  United States of America
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Posted by Howlin on 31 Aug 2023, 02:13

A little something from the "and more" category. Something I started and got to the primer stage a while long while ago but left on the shelf.

Orion Assyrian Siege Tower Set 72023

As stated in the review above, it is a tricky model. I filled the gaps with milliput and after a failed attempt to use string with the ram, its now glued in place.
But.... once completed is an imposing force, and I added some minis for scale. Those were some of my first military minis I painted when I was 16 or 17. They are Hat Set 8020 Hannibal's Carthaginians - African Infantry

The sun nearly at sunset does drown out some color unfortunately, this was some practice attempt at trying to make the wood look sun aged and dried out from lack of water proofing, getting to that bleached stage. In some pictures the sun makes the white a bit too pronounced. But the front I think I did add more "white" to. The darkened parts are where I think they would have applied pitch or resins to form some weather protection. I also modified the model with 2 rams in the front, and a copper standard in the center. They could perhaps use some more treatment as they really stand out in the pictures, but I struggle with bronze and aged bronze.




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Comparing the back of the tower in the above and lower pic show how the light can really change the colors.


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Posted by Ochoin on 31 Aug 2023, 11:24

I think your bronze is fine. Many use a very shiny colour for bronze that I think would be quite temporary in real life.

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Posted by Minuteman on 31 Aug 2023, 11:35

This Orion model is an impressive piece of ancient siege equipment, and despite the problems in putting it together your model looks very good. I think the colours that you have managed to achieve look realistic. A fine model and fine work on your part!
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Posted by PhilC on 01 Sep 2023, 11:58

That's what a 'more' looks like :mrgreen:

Excellent result, I love it a lot!! You now have to paint an Assyrian army, rarely seen in these pages (but I wouldn't say that I have read everything). Your wood textures are well made, the result looks very convincing, congratulations :yeah:
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Posted by Howlin on 02 Sep 2023, 08:23

Howlin wrote:I think your bronze is fine.

I basically have copper or gold, The bronze paint I got smells terrible and irritates my eyes so I do not use it. and its not even that great either as its a very dark bronze. So what I get either looks too red, or hard to distinguish from gold to bronze. I think i just need to find a different paint type. Not a fan of Tamiya smells.

Ochoin wrote: A fine model and fine work on your part!

Thank you. Its a model that once made I really appreciate for what it is and the absurdity that it even exist, and this is what siege engines looked like... I can only imagine what they would have looked like if they had some kind of mechanical or steam technology.... that would be a fun fantasy project to make a steam punk version of it. Its gotten to be a rare kit though. and I have too many other projects so that wont happen.

Minuteman wrote:Assyrian army, rarely seen in these pages

Yes, actually in my searching I wasn't able to find any finished reference of this model painted before. I think I have the Caesar Chariots which I have longed to do a chariot but Assyrians aren't in my motivation list right now... maybe after Linear A reveals its FIVE! neo- Assyrian sets that could change....

Thank you all.
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Howlin  United States of America
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Posted by Rich W on 03 Sep 2023, 01:46

Very nice work!
Rich W  United Kingdom
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