
Marvel thread

Posted by Santi Pérez on 24 Mar 2023, 20:08

Another wonderful figure, Kekso. :thumbup:

But be honest. Confess that you have a machine at home that paints the figures for you and that's why you get one after the other so quickly. :lol:

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by Bill Slavin on 24 Mar 2023, 20:10

Great! I love the leather and metal effects. Love the rest of the figures in this post as well - beautiful painting.
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Bill Slavin  Canada

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Posted by Kekso on 25 Mar 2023, 10:47

Thanks guys.

Peter wrote: Relieved because you nailed the skin tone, I presume? ;-)

Relieved because it was a bit boring to paint. I thought I will enjoy it more since this figure is quite good.

Santi Pérez wrote: But be honest. Confess that you have a machine at home that paints

Just a machine that prints figures ;-) Somehow I managed to paint small single figure in one evening. That's why my paint production increased significantly. :-D
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Kekso  Croatia

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Posted by Susofrick on 27 Mar 2023, 14:45

This is another nice thread. Great painting as usual.
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Susofrick  Sweden
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