
scratch - building with BB

Posted by Susofrick on 25 Nov 2022, 10:13

Your trees look great and are a great inspiration for me to one time go on my wire-trees (think I have 17). It will probably take a while, but one day I'll dig them up from the floor in the hobby-room.
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Posted by Beano Boy on 26 Nov 2022, 02:52



A little bit of friendly advice concerning making wire tree's,' look to nature and see how twisted so many adorable tree's there are.


Pre-prepared hard pieces i made a month ago using my wet water method.


To be stuck instantly upon glue using my mitts! My plan a first for me, is to make sure none of it falls off while moving it about. Two oblong sections have already been finished and having a wider contact area as already shown worked out well for my needs.

Lots to do,but working in dribs and drabs whenever i can will slowly reveal the woodland canopy.

Thank you Gunnar, for commenting and telling us all about your wire tree's. :thumbup:
:coffee: i have foregotten how many i have to flock around with. :eh: Swearing BB?
:sst: no wingnut! :cowboy: It's flocking! :eh: It sounds funny to me. :coffee: OK,so laugh! BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 28 Nov 2022, 01:34


And so it was during a very bleak rainy day that happend to be a Sunday,that saw me shuffling sticky bits into place.


It was way back in the summer of 2019, just before the whole world fell down that rabbit hole, that i used a secondhand food liquifier i'd bought off EBay,to chop lots of coloured foam up my Mrs B,had kindly bought me off the Norwich City Fruit Market. It had wicked blades,that shreded the foam that i'd torn up into small pieces. Adding water took that action to another level. Soon i had foam soaking up the diluted paint in little tubs, this lovely fine soft wet stuff, was eventually squeezed out,and dried on old newspaper. The £10.00 Food Liquifier finely conked out during my last little batch,but i had lots of stuff drying out, everywhere, As it sailed into the recycling bin,i was beaming happy that it had done it's unorthodox roll in supplying stuff for my woodland canopy.

:coffee: BB
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Posted by Minuteman on 28 Nov 2022, 13:42

That woodland canopy really is looking very good indeed, Mr BB. Keep up the good and leafy work!
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Posted by Peter on 28 Nov 2022, 19:16

Great looking trees! :thumbup:
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Posted by dykio on 28 Nov 2022, 19:46

the world needs more trees and people like you and youre mrs BB.
Its always a pleasure to read youre progress :yeah: :yeah: :yeah:


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Posted by Beano Boy on 30 Nov 2022, 23:28


With the storage box opened and Mrs B, upon her average 8 Mile walk with Bella,our good and faithful dog at her side. i fetched out a few tree amatures that i'd spun a twist into shape upon 3 years ago. There being so many of them i needed the space in the kitchen to stand them up in. i'm not allowed in the kitchen while Mrs B,is around,and that is understandable when one considers the massed formations in my overaged boyish endeavours that seem to appear during every hopscotch year of scratch-building display.


So there i was painting just a few,with the rest having been tumbled back into storage well before my Mrs B, and Bella arrived home. Soon these were embedded roots and all into what became a rock hard base


Everyone is leaning upon the darkside, but being different in shape and form from each other. Two tiny AIRFIX figures are way down there too.
:eh: I cant see e'm.

:coffee:Until the next one keep warm,safe and busy. Bye for now. BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 01 Dec 2022, 03:10


i had often tried to figure out what that stone palisade looked like,then after 25 years had past me by, there it was which sure looked like an old style artizan job at no mistake.


The Horse Chestnut Trees of which there were three,in my opinion represented the Trinity Doctrin,and the clue to that pondering thought of mine,is the fact that the Knights of St John , Templars and Hospitalers built most of Hougoumont when they were expelled from the Holy Land, We know them now as St Johns Ambulance, Free Masons one and all. One of the dead trees has fallen down recently,well they were hundreds of years old.


The cheap and chair full of rubber foam off-cuts came in at £5.00, and i sliced it all into tiny soft pieces. It sure was one of those days that i will never ever have to repeat again. :coffee: BB
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Posted by MABO on 04 Dec 2022, 12:49

Seems to be very comfortable. Nice to see you working, Paul.
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Posted by Beano Boy on 06 Dec 2022, 05:12

My comfy easy chair supports me well throughout my day.


Lots of home-spun colours to blend
upon my odd assortment
of well rooted, twisted wire tree's.


Frosty mornings,
tingling thumbs,
:coffee: The Beast from the East is forecast a comming. BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Susofrick on 06 Dec 2022, 10:12

Your trees looks like the forests here! Though a little tiny bit smaller!
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Posted by Kekso on 09 Dec 2022, 10:34

Nice tree armatures... some of them look scary but perfect for fantasy dark forest.
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Posted by Beano Boy on 06 Feb 2023, 20:56

After many months,a few days off to get posting again in my hobby.


My Wet Water


:mrgreen: This post might be good to view? :eh: Or plainly not.

It sinks easily into the base because of the washing up soap i added to my mix of white glue and water.
A thing i used upon my railway lay out many years ago. The soap breaks the surfice area thus allowing the mixture to sink in. Without it the mix would just buble and run off the base and not sink in 100%..


These bases plus armatures i made over three years ago,and were left rather dusty due to the fine sand i used in my Plaster of Paris mix.


Now moving onwards with the home made canopy flock.


Blobs of white glue was let dribble onto a bed of flock,then more flock was laid on top then another layer of blobbing glue was added on top. i found it was possable to do three layers like this,then squeeze them down lightly by using another yogort pot.


I having many differing colours to do,so i sure stacked up lots of layered yogurt pots which i always save,and find them a free available artizan tool to use without cost to my hobby. Once tipped out and let dry the results were stuck onto my trees without anything underneath them. The results were added by using white glue.


i must admit i used my shacking fingers mainly,but the tweezers were available but not of any real use.


This first abstract use of such a stucture by myself is aimed at the stuff staying upon my tree tops after using the magic mix of wet water treatment to finish them all off. My samples made thus far confirms this will be the case.

OK my friends,i hope to see you on the next one. BB

:mrgreen: And Zip __ off goes BB,on Zoom for another meeting.
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Kekso on 06 Feb 2023, 22:01

Long time no see, Paul. Nice trees.
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Posted by Minuteman on 07 Feb 2023, 09:39

Lovely trees. How do you make your home-made flock?; it looks very effective.
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Posted by C M Dodson on 07 Feb 2023, 14:16

Very nice work indeed Mr B.

I have seen the idea of plant roots, inverted, used to good effect on an American Civil war site. Got me thinking.

Best wishes,

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Posted by Beano Boy on 08 Feb 2023, 01:36


i bought a second hand machine on E Bay,for a Tenner = £10,00
:mrgreen: After BB,had finished with it,it went sailing into the recycling bin.
:sst: o happy days.


Any colour sponge will do. It was cut into cubes and plunked into the glass jug. A cup of water was added too.


The sharp blades reduced the mix down to a pulp. WARNING always lift off the glass jug before putting your hand inside it.


A number 1 setting was selected for this type of shredding.


Two 20 second bursts of power did the job in hand.
:mrgreen: Well one must hold the jug on these things.


"There you go BB,"i thought,"now onwards in the endeavour to do lots more."


Cheap paint and water was added to colour-soak every batch. This required using my hand too because it was a process of repetitive squeezing to suck the mixture in and out.


All colours were pushed into an old kitchen strainer with attached plastic basin to drain the watered down paint out.


Each and every batch,was given a good squeeze out by hand and placed on bubble wrap that came in delivery's so no extra money was spent. :sst: bb,never throws anything out into the rubish bins if it has an extra use.


And so it was this little old house began to smile upon another antic by my good sense self.


It being a very hot summer,all the shaded colours soon dried out. However it took a couple of weeks to do so.Well there was lots of it needed for a rather shady project indeed.


A dry run helped out just so i could get my bearings on how next to proceed.
:eh: However that would be years and years into the future mainly caused by Covid19!


To finish off 'how i made my home made flock', Here is the haul my Mrs B,kindly fetched home from Norwich City Market for me. A chair full of off-cuts for £10,00. Sitting on the bundle was a 45gr pack of shop bought flock. which is very expensive.


Way back then,just before Covid19 stuck,Fred and MayBell arrived home for another sci-fy adventure.

:coffee: And so my friends it is time now for me to go,
So i'll see you on the next one.
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Kekso on 08 Feb 2023, 07:37

That's not a hobby, that's production line :xd: :xd: :xd:
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Posted by Susofrick on 08 Feb 2023, 09:15


How cute! They have a baby! :-D Or :oops: ????
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Posted by Beano Boy on 08 Feb 2023, 18:07

The desert sand from Oman in the Persian Gulf,was finally tipped out of my old army boots in the last day of 2019... and i remembered thinking way back in my younger days of being a pirate that i had,had a stone in my left boot at the time it being the blood stained year of 1976.

:coffee: Yes with the Kitchen Blenda,then arcing, sparking and puffing out black acrid smoke like Tomas the tank engine! But still fast sucking in electric amps a flashing,and a wobbling into melting flaming ruination,it finally blew the Electric Meter clean off the wall with it flying through the outside cupboard door. While i sat with my hair smoking upon the kitchen floor with the glass jug in my hand. A good job i had, had my old rubber boots on.

Yes it sure was a production line Dal, now famous throughout the community of Fiddle Wood UK,for blowing the electric grid. :shock: Shock! :eh: immmm likely story.

:cowboy: Yip! BB,has always been one to stretch a Ripping Yarn!

:coffee: Yes,Gunnar, overjoyed with flashing lights Fred has finally become a Mom!
MayBell, said " Fred leave it alone."
The Di'no, said " Mom!"
The Babe was named 7.62 , and now lives in 'ASGARD'

i c u all later BB
Beano Boy  England
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