The true chaos of large battles recreated in miniature so we can sit like angels on the clouds and look down upon history as its being made. Grand dioramas seem to suggest that to me anyway.
I just noticed the leopard shabraque on the Red Lancer officers mount. Superb! Apologies for failing to mention the excellent layout which in all probability is how troops were actually deployed and moved through the area. Arranging the units then the figures within each group while creating a larger whole is multitasking of the highest order. Visually stunning each section alone by itself but when all brought together? A maze of human activity during a few hours of conflict that defined the end of an era and beginning of another. It set the course of European history for a century but when you look closely you discover it's a landscape of individuals very much like ourselves, each performing a part that determined the outcome. Were we alive back then any one of those models might represent us. Odds were 1 in 3 you would die or be wounded. A few found fame but most would be emotionally scarred from being there for an afternoon facing death squarely in the face. I get so many random thoughts from viewing the sections, sorry for any babbling.