i bought a second hand machine on E Bay,for a Tenner = £10,00

After BB,had finished with it,it went sailing into the recycling bin.

o happy days.

Any colour sponge will do. It was cut into cubes and plunked into the glass jug. A cup of water was added too.

The sharp blades reduced the mix down to a pulp. WARNING always lift off the glass jug before putting your hand inside it.

A number 1 setting was selected for this type of shredding.

Two 20 second bursts of power did the job in hand.

Well one must hold the jug on these things.

"There you go BB,"i thought,"now onwards in the endeavour to do lots more."

Cheap paint and water was added to colour-soak every batch. This required using my hand too because it was a process of repetitive squeezing to suck the mixture in and out.

All colours were pushed into an old kitchen strainer with attached plastic basin to drain the watered down paint out.

Each and every batch,was given a good squeeze out by hand and placed on bubble wrap that came in delivery's so no extra money was spent.

bb,never throws anything out into the rubish bins if it has an extra use.

And so it was this little old house began to smile upon another antic by my good sense self.

It being a very hot summer,all the shaded colours soon dried out. However it took a couple of weeks to do so.Well there was lots of it needed for a rather shady project indeed.

A dry run helped out just so i could get my bearings on how next to proceed.

However that would be years and years into the future mainly caused by Covid19!

To finish off 'how i made my home made flock', Here is the haul my Mrs B,kindly fetched home from Norwich City Market for me. A chair full of off-cuts for £10,00. Sitting on the bundle was a 45gr pack of shop bought flock. which is very expensive.

Way back then,just before Covid19 stuck,Fred and MayBell arrived home for another sci-fy adventure.

And so my friends it is time now for me to go,
So i'll see you on the next one.