
Konrad "Conny" Schulte is no longer with us

Posted by Dad's Army on 17 Aug 2022, 16:28

Today I saw on Facebook that Konrad Schulte is pased away yesterday the 16th.
Personaly I know him from the start of FIGZ where he was as a trader as Fredericus Rex.
And of course from his own range "Green line" buildings
I can't confirm the news yet, on the website is no news about it.
But if so, I wish Petra al the best in this hard time...
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 17 Aug 2022, 16:47

I have also heard this sad news from various social media sources today.

Had the great pleasure to trade with Conny via Fredericus Rex several times and to exchange ideas with him on a few occasions.
Shortly after our esteemed Kostis, another enthusiast whose friendly nature and valued perspective will be greatly missed. :(

My sincere condolences to his equally kind wife Petra.
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Posted by T. Dürrschmidt on 17 Aug 2022, 18:46

I wasn´t around in the forum for some weeks due to job and family purposes, but what a sad day it learn that two very inspirational and good hobby colleagues have passed away. Kostis Onerakis and Konrad Schulte. My condolences go to their families and friends.
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Posted by Kekso on 17 Aug 2022, 19:05

Two dear forum members passed away in such short time.
That is so so sad.
My condolences to his family.
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Kekso  Croatia

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Posted by Konrad on 17 Aug 2022, 19:58

I knew Konrad personally.
He was what you would call a nice guy.
He was a great painter and his models of houses
and other buildings everyone has probably seen before.
We will miss him.
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Konrad  Germany
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Posted by santifernandez on 17 Aug 2022, 20:06

Another dear loss in the modeling world, bad times.
Rest in peace.
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Posted by Alex on 17 Aug 2022, 20:22

Very unfortunate... Good master. From him there was a great promotion of our hobby. :( :( :(
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Posted by Susofrick on 18 Aug 2022, 12:01

Oh no! Another master gone! Have some his figures and have bought from him a couple of times and even though we never met or had any personal contact it felt like I traded with a friend. Another big loss for our little community!
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Posted by sberry on 18 Aug 2022, 15:17

Sad news once again, so soon after Kostis' death, this is terrible!
Fredericus Rex has done really a lot for our hobby, producing a large number of excellent sets covering numerous topics. This is particularly true for my special obsession Roman history, but for other eras as well.
A tragic loss for all of us.
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Posted by Ash on 23 Aug 2022, 09:41

So sad news about Konrad….
My sincere condolences to Petra and his family…
Konrad was a really great person , with a lot of enthusiasm and ideas for our hobby.
Will be remember him.

Rest in Peace, friend...
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Ash  Russia
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Posted by Ochoin on 23 Aug 2022, 11:26

I found Konrad to be a generous and kind man as well as a painter of great talent.
This is very sad news. He will be missed.

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Posted by MABO on 23 Aug 2022, 18:29

I knew he was ill in the past, but I never thought he passed away so early. I allways remember his kindness and his great ideas for our hobby.

And I also would like to share my condolences to his family. I hope they find this topic, with all our wishes.
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Posted by C M Dodson on 24 Aug 2022, 19:17

Wishing condolences to his family.


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Posted by stephane42 on 24 Aug 2022, 21:41

This is another sad news!
I think first of them both, their wives and their families in these difficult times.
It is true that it is a great loss for the 1/72.
RIP Kostis!
RIP Konrad!
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stephane42  France
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Posted by Peter on 25 Aug 2022, 11:24

Again some sad news! He was such a friendly and helpfull man. I knew him from he first FIGZ meeting long time ago!.

My condolences to Petra and the family!
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Posted by mickey mouse on 25 Aug 2022, 15:44

I'm so sorry to hear this. He was such a friendly man. My sincere condolence to his relatives and family.
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Posted by dombom on 24 Oct 2022, 08:37

A terrible loss for all of us. I had the honor to meet Conny once, since he and Petra were living near by.
I was really hoping that he would recover. It's such a shame to loose such a friendly and great person.
My condolences to Petra and the whole family.
dombom  Germany
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Posted by Bessiere on 24 Oct 2022, 13:19

How sad. My condolences to his family and friends.
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