
Miscellaneous Napoleonic Cavalry

Posted by k.b. on 06 Jun 2022, 20:31

Don't think I've shown these photos before. Some of the figures perhaps..... in their cabinets definitely not!


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Posted by Bessiere on 06 Jun 2022, 23:35

These look extremely good. Very rich colors and I like the various unit representatives. I've been working on Russia cavalry myself and love the models but they are challenging.
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Posted by Kekso on 07 Jun 2022, 09:57

Awesome :love:
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Posted by Rich W on 09 Jun 2022, 23:59

Really nice! The guys in red in the second row are particularly impressive.
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Posted by Bill Slavin on 10 Jun 2022, 02:17

Those really are lovely. Such fine, detailed painting, beautifully rendered. And of course, extra special because they are Napoleonic cavalry! ;-)
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Posted by k.b. on 14 Jun 2022, 13:14

Thanks gents for taking the time to write! It’s incredible how a few words of encouragement from our peers can help motivate us to post our pictures on websites. Don’t know how others feel but just a ‘like’ isn’t the same incentive. Am curious to hear from the rest of you members on the subject. Maybe I should ask this question as a separate topic. If so, and one of the moderators feels it’s appropriate then please feel free to move it!
k.b.  Brazil
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Posted by Emperor on 15 Jun 2022, 17:29

Great painted figures...
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Posted by Bluefalchion on 16 Jun 2022, 13:57

They are quite good, although it would be easier to study them without the mirror background. Maybe a bit glossier than I usually prefer, but the details and faces are a high level achievement.

What color combination did you employ to execute the rich chestnut brown color on the horse, second row, third from left? I have seen quite a few horses in real life who have coats of just about exactly that color.
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Posted by Patrick71 on 18 Jun 2022, 13:35

Always a pleasure to see beautifully painted Napoleonic figures and these are certainly some of them. When I feel less inclined to paint myself, looking at others' beautiful work is always inspiring and an encouragement to pick up the brushes myself.
thanks for sharing.
Patrick71  Belgium
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Posted by k.b. on 08 Jul 2022, 02:04

Good evening all,

A mighty relief to see that Bennos is back up and running. Welcome back and thanks for the fright.......
Thought I'd show a few more shots of my cavalry collection.......



k.b.  Brazil
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Posted by Peter on 15 Jul 2022, 20:46

Wonderfull collection of painted figures! :thumbup:
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Posted by Minuteman on 17 Jul 2022, 12:20

That is a really impressive collection of Napoleonic cavalry!!

It would be good to have some closer-up shots of more of the individual units and personality figures, perhaps on a table-top/wargames table?
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Posted by k.b. on 17 Jul 2022, 18:08

Let me see if I can find some earlier photos of the dragoons and carabiniers that I posted here long ago afterwhich I will take some better pictures of the others. It goes without saying that not only has my camera improved since these early photos but so have my own photographic skills - aided by some very constructive criticism mainly from other members of this forum.



Ps/ Unfortunately I can’t say the same about my eyesight!
k.b.  Brazil
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Posted by Rich W on 17 Jul 2022, 23:18

Very nice seeing them together.
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Posted by Beano Boy on 19 Jul 2022, 11:22

Many thanks for sharing your cavalry collection with us. Bravo! BB
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Posted by k.b. on 27 Jul 2022, 21:55

Let's take them out of their display cabinets and put them in a more interesting scenario.......something tells me you might prefer them in these piccies......






k.b.  Brazil
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Posted by raph86 on 27 Jul 2022, 22:45

Good evening, all these riders are superb and the quality of the photos and the decor are a tribute to them :thumbup:
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Posted by k.b. on 28 Jul 2022, 17:56

1 or 2 more photos that i took this morning


..........and here i've been working on the base of a cossack to try to blend it in better to the base.
The Dutch lancers base I've disguised with tufts whereas the cossacks base has had texture and paint added. Let's see what we make of these pictures..... and then i'll decide whether to work on all the bases.




k.b.  Brazil
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Posted by Kekso on 29 Jul 2022, 18:03

Great work k.b. I like shooting effects.
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Posted by k.b. on 29 Jul 2022, 22:06

Thanks Kekso for you generosity but your truly is not altogether convinced that the smoke is very realistic. I will study a little more to see how i can improve things next time........ (but i thought it was an interesting idea to have two cavalry figures shooting at each other).
k.b.  Brazil
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