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Ming army project (Battle of Byeokjegwan,1593)

Posted by Bluefalchion on 04 Feb 2022, 16:16

I did not learn about this battle in my high school history class. Thanks for filling in one of the gaps! I also agree with Gunnar about the diorama. If it gets made, it gets made. If not, we have had this brilliant thread and its hundreds upon hundreds of custom made figures so well crafted and painted as to simply defy belief.
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Posted by lirui on 04 Feb 2022, 18:15

Deployment of the two sides

Midnight, January 27, 1593, Ming general Cha Dashou and Joseon gyeonggi Province defense general Gao Yanbo(高彦伯 ??-1593) led 500 cavalry once again from the Byeokjegwan set out to the capital to reconnaissance terrain of front line. General Sun Shoulian(孙守廉)、Zu Chengxun(祖承训)、Li Ning(李宁 ??-1593)、Zhang Yingzhong(张应种)、Gao Sheng(高升)、Hu Luan(胡鸾)and other generals led 3,000 cavalry as follow-up units.

On the other side, the Japanese army was not clear about the trend of the Ming Army also, so they take turns to send reconnaissance teams patrol around.

5 a.m. on Jan 28, two captains of Tachibana Muneshige on patrol spotted Ming troops approaching the capital, Tachibana Muneshige quickly reported the news to capital headquarters. The Japanese immediately deployed troops to fight.


Tachibana Muneshige knew that the Ming army would strike soon, He set up battle formation as below: front line 500men, center line 700men, back line 1800men. (Translated position as shown as I doodle)



Although not many troops, but Tachibana Muneshige`s troop was arranged by the capital headquarters against the Ming Army of the first team, fight with Ming Army was inevitable. Tachibana Muneshige with his brother deployed troops at砺石岭【Place name】 ,Considering the cold weather and strong wind, fearing that morale would be affected Tachibana Muneshige himself brought rice porridge for the two families` soldiers to eat, and he said to them “Drink this to keep out the cold, come on! The Ming army will come to battle, today is the decisive day!” The two families` soldiers had porridge and wine, hearing this, morale was boosted.

To be continued
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lirui  China
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Posted by lirui on 05 Feb 2022, 07:03

Cha Dashou and Tachibana Muneshige encounter

6 a.m. Front line 500 Japannese soldiers first encountered the Ming army, after arrows, firearms, then hand-to-hand combat. Cha Dashou`s cavalry backed off to lure the enemy, Tachibana Muneshige`s captain 十时连久 fell into the trap and gave chase. General Sun Shoulian、Zu Chengxun、Li Ning、Zhang Yingzhong、Gao Sheng、Hu Luan led 3,000 cavalry of the ambuscade attacked from both sides surrounded and killed十时连久with superior forces. According to the record of 《宣祖昭敬大王实录Korea》,these 3,000 cavalry were elite troops from Liaodong, they look tall, use blade and three eye blunderbuss. Under the charge of the Ming cavalry, the Japanese was defeated and more than 300 people were killed, the Ming army choped and took 130 heads. Joseon general Gao Yanbo`s troops killed many enemies with bows also. Then Kuroda Nagamasa and Otani Yoshitsugu`s troops reached, but they stayed behind and dared not engage. The fighting ended at 9 o 'clock. After defeated the Japanese vanguard, Cha Dashou felt great contempt for the enemy, he sent rider to report and invite commander in chief Li Rusong to come to the front.
Li Rusong was a native of Liaodong. As the Koreans were eager for the Ming army to advance, the sentry concealed the fact and told Li Rusong, "The enemy had retreat and the capital is empty!” Believing the rumors, Li Rusong decided to take the capital with several thousand men. He said, "Some said that the Liaodong troops were not the main forces in the battle of Pyongyang. Now I lead
Liaodong troops to recapture the capital”. Three commanders Li Rusong 、Yang Yuan、Zhang Shijue selected two thousand soldiers southward from Paju at 9 am. The army marched to 马山馆【Place name】, 49.5 kilometers from the capital, then Li Rusong led 1,000 men to continue the march, followed by Yang Yuan led 1,000 men.

After retreat, Tachibana Muneshige was exhausted and his armor was full of arrows like a hedgehog, he left the battlefield led the remaining soldiers to the nearby mountain 小丸山【Place name】to get rest. The defeat did not affect his mood, he let his men rest, he swobbled rice balls, captain 小野镇幸 persuaded everyone to eat some of the bamboo-leaf rice balls he brought, but because of the emotional impact of defeat, and saw the Ming cavalry swarmed into the valley, experienced samurais lost their appetite.. He saw no response so he picked up a bamboo-leaf rice ball to eat, but he was too nervous to swallow it. Tachibana Munshige saw this, asked 小野镇幸to brought rice ball to himself, he slowly chewed three rice ball those were clenched together. 小野镇幸 saw Tachibana calmly eaten, he picked up a rice ball but how also can not swallow. He had to throw it away at last.

When The Tachibana Muneshige`s troops and the Ming Army engaged in砺石岭【Place name】, the Japanese army in the capital had already left the city and ready for battle. When the news of Tachibana's defeat came, the whole army was extremely shocked. After an emergency discussion among officials, it was decided to stop fighting and defend the city immediately, and Kuroda Nagamasa was sent to persuade the stubborn commander Kobayakawa Takakage, who had a powerful army and was wanted to fight. Kobayakawa Takakage rejected Kuroda Nagamasa`s suggestion, then affairs officer Otani Yoshitsugu came, Kobayakawa Takakage refused again and demanded that all generals obey his orders.

Forty to fifty thousand Japanese troops approached the 砺石岭【Place name】, Ming general Zu Chengxun、Hu Luan、Gao Sheng saw the whole ridge is black with Japannese, they were afraid and took the lead directly turned and ran so did the soldiers. 3000 troops were retreat from 砺石岭【Place name】 to Byeokjegwan(碧蹄馆) 【Place name】.

To be continued
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lirui  China
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Posted by lirui on 05 Feb 2022, 15:06

Battle of Byeokjegwan

The Ming Army reconnaissance team from the 砺石岭 retreat to Byeokjegwan(碧蹄馆), the Japanese army teams 2 and teams 3 were formed of Mouri family, under the command in chief Kobayakawa Takakage, down from the 砺石岭 in hot pursuit. According to the record《毛利家记japan》Mouri troops: first line 井上景贞、粟屋景雄,second line 裳悬弥左卫门,third line Kobayakawa Takakage, fourth line 桂宫内大辅,fifth line Kobayakawa Hidekane, sixth line毛利元康. Kobayakawa Takakage`s arrangement: 1-4 lines up in the 望客岘【Place name】 between 砺石岭and Byeokjegwan , 5-6 lines as right flank on hills to the east of 砺石岭, Tachibana Muneshige stayed in mountain小丸山【Place name】as left flank. Japanese surrounded the Ming Army in three directions located in Byeokjegwan.
At this time, Li Rusong's army marched to 恵阴岭【Place name】north of Byeokjegwan, he met from the Byeokjegwan fled back Joseon general Gao Yanbo, after asking just knew the Japanese were all out. He immediately sped forward and ordered rear generals for reinforcements.

But on the way to the Byeokjegwan, Li Rusong's horse fell down, he fell off the horse, left side of the face was slightly injured. Li Rusong, who last fell from his horse at the battle of Pyongyang, took a long time to get up. So that commander Yang Yuan heard such news Li Rusong fell horse, mistakenly thought Li Rusong was dead, happily to say that :” I would be chief ,the achievement of recapturing Pyongyang could be all my own!” Everyone thought it was a sign of unluck to the war but keep moving.

About 10 a.m. Jan 27, commander Li Rusong and Zhang Shijue led 1,000 elite cavalry to the Byeokjegwan. Li Rusong found that the front line of more than 3000 Ming soldiers were afraid of the large number of Japanese troops, all hesitated to engage, he immediately ordered forward to fight the Japanese, fear of moving forward must be executed. 4000 Ming troops were enthusiastically to fought, bloody battle of Byeokjegwan began.


Japanese粟屋景雄`s troop was in front, Ming`s artillery used Hwachas and three cannons to suppress the Japanese,there was a great confusion in the ranks, cavalry used three eye blunderbuss and bows , Japanese responded with arquebus. 200 cavalry charged 粟屋景雄`s right flank, shooting and firing repeatedly, circling. 粟屋景雄’s troop retreat and 井上景贞 took position, but his troop could not hold on for a moment, 井上景贞was desperated and shouting:” On the battlefield, sacrifice is an honor, fear is a disgrace!” 粟屋景雄`s troop also turned back to attack Ming Army launched a fierce battle. Kobayakawa Takakage mobilized the army after careful consideration, moved Tachibana Muneshige brothers` left flank troops around to the rear of the Ming army, moved Kobayakawa Hidekane and 毛利元康`s right flank troops around to the rear of the Ming army too. Now , Kobayakawa Takakage himself led a large army and attacked from the front took over 井上景贞`s position. All of a sudden the Japanese surrounded the Ming army, the Ming army had to fight to the death in order to break out of the siege.

According to Mouri`s record《萩藩阀阅录Japan》,it reveals the intensity of the fierce battle between the two armies, Kobayakawa Hidekane`s troops suffered more casualties, minister横山景义、captain 桂五左卫门、内海鬼之丞、伽罗间弥兵卫、手岛狼之助、汤浅新佑卫门、吉田太左卫门、波罗间乡左卫门 etc, were killed in battle. According to record《碧蹄馆大战记》,Tachibana Muneshige brothers were also badly wounded, captain十时传久、池边永晟、户次镇林、安东常久、小野镇幸、小野成幸、小串成重、今村喜兵卫、井上平次、帆足左平、筑赖新介 and five hundred soldiers were dead in that day.

Due to the excellent armour of the Ming army, the Japanese army was quite passive. 下濑赖直, who participated in the battle of Byeokjegwan, he wrote in his diary《朝鲜渡海日记Japan》:

The clothes of soldiers in the Ming Army were made of red cotton fabric on the outside and iron plates fastened with iron nails on the inside. Their helmets were made of iron and polished to a mirror sheen and their arm armour were also made of iron. Arrows cannot Pierce, blade cannot cut.

According to record《户川记Japan》,a man of muscle named 国富源右卫门 of Ukita Hideie`s samurai, when he met the Ming warrior, he hit his opponent's armor three times with his katana and it bounced back. He dropped his katana and began to scuffle, but he was soon pinned to the ground. Though he struggled desperately, he seemed to be pinned down by a rock, he pulled out wakizashi aimed at the belly of opponent but could not break the armor. When his life was at stake, he finally killed his opponent with the help of his own ashigarus.

(My project was to make this scene as diorama ↓)

Although the Ming army fought tooth and nail, the Japanese troops were too numerous to repel them. In danger, Li Rusong and dozens of generals charged into battle, shot the Japanese with bows and arrows on horseback, but can't hold on anymore. Li Rusong commanded the Ming army to retreat, and he himself brought up the rear. At that time, an unknown samurai with golden helmet command soldiers surrounded Li Rusong, the situation was very critical.

When this golden helmet samurai approached Li Rusong, his bodyguard also childhood friend Li Yousheng(李有升) desperate to protect him, after killing several enemies he was hooked off his horse and been dismembered, more than 80 Ming warriors around him were killed.( Li Yousheng followed Li Rusong side for many years. After the war, Li Rusong was saddened by his death. When met his son-in-law Wang Shen王审, he dismounted and cried bitterly) After Li Yousheng died in battle, under the command of the golden samurai, more Japanese approaching Li Rusong, a Japanese soldier's blade even cut Li Rusong's armor, life hanging by a thread. In order to protect the commander in chief, Li Rusong's brothers Li Rumei 、Li Rubai、Li Ruwu and general Li Ning etc, guard in his side, shooting and chopping down the enemy. General Li Rumei pulled the bow aimed at the golden samurai, one arrow shot down and killed him, the surrounding Japanese soldiers crying to get the body of the golden samurai back and then retreat.( As for the true identity of the golden samurai, some records pointing to Tachibana Muneshige`s samurai 小野成幸, but it's still a mystery, before Tachibana set sail, he ordered 200 golden peach helmets for his samurai)

After the golden warrior was shoot down, Li Rusong led Li Rubai, Zhang Shijue and other generals took advantage of the chaos to escape at the risk of death, in the process, killed a lot of Japanese troops, but could not cut the heads. In the melee, general Li Ning was wounded in the left hand by blade and his chest armor was pierced by a bullet, but he escaped serious injury. General Sun Was wounded in the right arm. Under the critical situation, Li Rusong fell off the horse again. 井上景贞who had been repulsed by the Ming Army, aware of the man might have been a high-ranking general, so he jumped on his horse galloped forward and tried to kill Li Rusong. It was a close call, but luckily the surrounding Ming soldiers picked Li Rusong up and let him ride away on another horse. 井上景贞ground his teeth in anger.

At noon, the Ming army fought desperately to break through the siege and retreated to Paju. Many supplies were abandoned because of the muddy roads.( Among them, no. 69, 135 , two cannons were captured by Kobayakawa Takakage, no. 25 cannon was captured by 吉川广家, these cannons were transported to Japan as trophies, can still be seen in the museum nowadays)

After Li Rusong break out of encirclement, he fled northward. The Japanese pursued him in the rear. When they reached 恵阴岭【Place name】, reinforcements of the Ming army arrived. Although 小野镇信 his brother 小野成幸was killed by Li Rumei, worried that troops would be surrounded by huge numbers of Ming army, he immediately persuaded to stop the pursuit. The Japanese daimyos listened to 小野镇信's words, stopped the pursuit and withdrew to the capital. At this point, the battle of Byeokjegwan was over.

The Ming reinforcements at 恵阴岭【Place name】 were 1,000 soldiers led by Yang Yuan. Yang Yuan met Li Rusong`s orderly, orders were received to send in reinforcements, knew that Li Rusong did not fall to death, and so with counsellor Zheng Wenbin(郑文彬) and drum flag officer Wang Xilu(王希鲁) led the cavalry to rescue. Due to lack of time, only cavalry was led.

(There are dozens of accounts of casualties on both sides, and this book lists them all in ten pages, but putting them all together, I came to the conclusion that the number of dead on both sides was about five or six hundred, and the number of wounded was about seven or eight hundred)

Sunset, Li Rusong returned to Paju, at night, Li Rusong was very upset and began to cry because of the death of Li Yousheng as well as most of the cavalry killed in battle were his own bodyguards whom he wants to lead them to glory and fame. Joseon officer Liu Chenglong visited and comforted him. That night, the Ming Army scouts reported that the Japanese crying in the capital did not stop all night.

This war directly changed Li Rusong's marching plan, it can be said that in the battle of Byeokjegwan the Japanese army stopped the Ming army to recapture the capital, also made the Ming Army realized that the Japanese army was not so easy driven out of the sea, and there was no doubt that the Japanese had won tactics.

(After the war, a letter by Tachibana Muneshige to Hachisuka Iemasa, it written:"We must try our best to get Ming's horses”) 《立花家文书Japan》

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lirui  China
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Posted by MABO on 05 Feb 2022, 22:49

Thanks for these massed information. I really know nothing about this period and theater of war.
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MABO  Europe
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Posted by CliosPaintingBench on 08 Feb 2022, 01:12

Thank you very much for the translation! I'm trying to do my own research and English language information is scarce, I've resorted to doing some translating myself from Korean sources using Google Translate. It's great to introduce this information to Western audiences, especially given how terrible the Ospreys are for Medieval Japan (and non-existent for Korea).
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Posted by Michael Robert on 09 Feb 2022, 20:32

Thank you, Lirui, for all this information.
Japanese samurai invasion of Korea is a major war in your part of the world. It also featured major sea-battles featuring Korean armoured "turtle" boats. Will you do these as models as well? :-)
Seeing your continuing contributions is always a treat.

Now, I am not leaving my good old Europe and I wonder sometimes what type of confrontation European armies of the time would make with such Korean, Chinese or Japanese type of armour / weapons / tactics. Probablya little bit can be estimated by the Golden hord invasion of Russia.
All inspriring
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Michael Robert  France

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Posted by lirui on 12 Feb 2022, 11:04

Michael Robert wrote:Thank you, Lirui, for all this information.
Japanese samurai invasion of Korea is a major war in your part of the world. It also featured major sea-battles featuring Korean armoured "turtle" boats. Will you do these as models as well? :-)
Seeing your continuing contributions is always a treat.

Now, I am not leaving my good old Europe and I wonder sometimes what type of confrontation European armies of the time would make with such Korean, Chinese or Japanese type of armour / weapons / tactics. Probablya little bit can be estimated by the Golden hord invasion of Russia.
All inspriring

"turtle" boat was very distinctive. Maybe in other scale it was already on the market where have I seen it before. I probably won't get into imjin war naval warfare. Koreans were interested because they admire Yi sun-shin(1545-1598), Joseon navy general , who died in the last naval battle in pursuit of the Japanese. :-D Golden hord invasion of Russia. I agree, we also liked to use bows and arrows, although we drove the Mongols out, we learned their tactics, but in entire empire, the total number of Ming cavalry was much lesser than the infantry.
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lirui  China
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Posted by lirui on 03 Mar 2022, 16:46


Last weekend I charged on a Mongolian horse ;-)


Name: Li Rumei (李如梅 15? ? - 1612) was a general of the Ming Dynasty. He was also the younger brother of Li Rusong (李如松1549-1598.5.8) and the fifth son of Li Chengliang(李成梁 1526 - 1615) .

Title: Defense general of Yizhou castle (义州卫镇守、参将)

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lirui  China
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Posted by Wolfgang Meyer on 03 Mar 2022, 17:31

Fantastic work!
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Wolfgang Meyer  Germany
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Posted by Patrick71 on 03 Mar 2022, 18:11

As always: beautiful pieces of art!
thanks for sharing
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Posted by Bessiere on 03 Mar 2022, 18:35

Gorgeous as ever. I could see room for improvement on the white horse as it's rather leggy and lacking body mass. It's not bad but I know you continually seek improvement or you would have never attained the mastery you have. The others horses are very nicely proportioned but I think that using light colors on a horse will accent any issues. I did recently see Mongolian horse being ridden in movie by a viking which I thought rather strange.
Bessiere  United States of America
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Posted by CliosPaintingBench on 05 Mar 2022, 17:22

Beautiful painting as always! I love the realism of the horses and the fine detail of the studs on the brigandine and the men's faces.
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CliosPaintingBench  Australia
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Posted by lirui on 19 Mar 2022, 16:10

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lirui  China
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Posted by Bessiere on 20 Mar 2022, 05:26

:yeah: Perfection.
Bessiere  United States of America
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Posted by blacksmith on 20 Mar 2022, 14:16

You're very good.
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Posted by CliosPaintingBench on 22 Mar 2022, 12:19

Beautiful work on the horse archers as usual!
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CliosPaintingBench  Australia
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 22 Mar 2022, 20:41

Bessiere wrote::yeah: Perfection. always with this guy. :mrgreen:

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by Cryns on 01 Apr 2022, 16:45

My congratulations again dear Lirui, for all the fine sculpting, detailed painting and beautifull photography.
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Posted by lirui on 05 Apr 2022, 15:24

Last year I drew these same two poses models, this time for increase the number of dismounted archers minor changes were made different for each one.
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lirui  China
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