It has been some time since the last update. I was working on two other projects in parallel and had also some personal stuff going on, so almost no progress here.
Now I went back to business, but unfortunately couldn't find any figures that suited me.
What I want are nicely sculptured figures, which arn't engaged in combat, but waiting for it to come and therefore in alert.
Biggest problem is, that there arn't too many winter uniform soldiers available. Sure there are, but either they arn't too nice onces or in direct combat. The Zvezda ones are nice, but they use the grey greatcoat, which was still in use at the late war times, but not as popular as the newer winter parka.
So I decided to do my own winter soldiers, which is some additional work, but I hope it gives me my desired results:
I gonna put them in trenshes, but not sure yet which of these I will use in the end, cuz some of them are in too much action.