As I rammed the thing upside down into whatever it is, it screamed out "EERT EZIS LAMROF."
" It must be Triffid Lingo?"
Yes head first fast fixed it was."
" and still it struggled to increase in size,but managed to do so."
I believe the thing whatever it is ,is still growing and it being up side down will soon be rooting about again on my table top covered in glass.
"I think bb,has created a something that cannot be controlled."
" That`s Scarry enough Pards to make the ears stand upright stiff on all those Pink Bunnies!"
" if you see them perhaps you might have eaten magic mushrooms too?"
To add a story line of fun to a topic plain and simple that might be boring in vast degrees I made it up side down whereas others of its kind will be made right way standing up like a formal rank of the Queens own personal Cold Stream Guard.
So above one can view the prison that held tight the Triffid! A two part mould for my needs for I have long pondered this way or another,on how best to make them. Of course there is a bright reason for making them,but as I trimmed off the black bottom edge I wondered how these large strawberry like things might turn out ?
I guess we will have to wait and see.