
15mm BMM Cuirassiers du Roy Louis XIV, 1713

Posted by DAKfreak on 05 Jun 2012, 04:24

Here is the first figure from BMM's "Marlburian Cuirassier Command" - my first ever 15mm fig, and first white metal fig! It took approx an hour to paint the whole thing. I used the Kronoskaf 7YW reference, as they didn't change much anyway (Cuirassiers du Roy was the only regiment of Cuirassiers in the French army, prior to Napoleon).


Index finger for size comparison

Riding infront of the ranks

Any criticisms welcome!

Posts: 59
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01 Dec 2011, 05:47

Posted by Fenton on 05 Jun 2012, 14:47

Good start

Did you prime the figure?...I could maybe suggest if you haven't that it may be worth priming in white then giving t a wash in brown and black ink to bring out the detail

Not sure from the picture but are you using enamels?

I would try acrylics if your not already

Oh and maybe a wash afterwards in brown or back to give some shadows to the figure

Hope that helps a little
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29 Oct 2007, 05:53

Posted by DAKfreak on 05 Jun 2012, 17:08

I already use Vallejo acryls, and I'll make sure to wash it. However I do not normally use primer when painting.
Posts: 59
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01 Dec 2011, 05:47

Posted by Fenton on 05 Jun 2012, 17:26

With metal figs you really do need to use a primer, any sort will do either a hobby one or a car paint primer, the paint wont properly stick to the metal. it will also help the paint coverage, it will prevent the paint from looking do shiney
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29 Oct 2007, 05:53

Posted by yar68 on 05 Jun 2012, 19:28

Nice work!!! I'd also advise a primer of some sort, or the paint will start to come off and it'll help make the figures more colourful.
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yar68  United Kingdom
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