
Napoleonic - Luneberg Light Battalion 1815

Posted by yar68 on 10 Sep 2011, 09:46

Another recently painted unit has just made it on my blog, The Luneberg Light Battalion that fought on the allied side in The Battle of Waterloo.
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yar68  United Kingdom
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Posted by Carlo Antonio on 10 Sep 2011, 11:39

Great painting figures Ray !!! :love: :love: :love:
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Carlo Antonio  Italy
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Posted by leifkarl1112 on 13 Sep 2011, 13:24

Great looking figures, Ray. 8)

Are they wearing dark green jackets, like the 95th?

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leifkarl1112  United Kingdom
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Posted by Peter on 13 Sep 2011, 17:56

great painted figures Ray :thumbup:
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Peter  Belgium

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Posted by yar68 on 13 Sep 2011, 20:02

Cheers for the comments guys!!
@ Karl - Yep they wore more or less the same uniform as the 95th, but with a few different thing, like the colour of the trousers and they carried a flag.

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yar68  United Kingdom
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Posted by leifkarl1112 on 14 Sep 2011, 13:27

yar68 wrote:Cheers for the comments guys!!
@ Karl - Yep they wore more or less the same uniform as the 95th, but with a few different thing, like the colour of the trousers and they carried a flag.


Cheers Ray. 8)

Another conversion idea in the pot!! 8)

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leifkarl1112  United Kingdom
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