Sorry Tantallon but it's England, my England am afraid - Ullock Pike taken from Higham Hall - in the English Lake District - my home territory. Thought it would be nice to pay homage to the two - my favourite place the Lakes and my favourite Napoleonic uniform - in the same photo. Methinks I need to retake the photos with the focus on my figures and not the background - maybe i was just feeling homesick when I took the pics! Here's a few more snapshots for your consideration...
Hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoyed painting them!
Ye have a keen eye Tantallon ... indeed my figures are lacking a matt varnish but having tried at least a dozen different brands out here in Brazil have given up trying. Will wait til i get home later in year to buy several bottles.
With regard to the lack of oaks in France methinks our French members or any wine lovers will be the first to disagree.
I have started using the Army Painter matt spray and find that very good. Everything else I have tried has been at best mixed. I would recommend keeping well clear from the Humbrol matt spray and their matt varnish. Although a lot of people recommend the Testor's Dullcoat I took one whiff of it and knew it was pretty nasty stuff from a health perspective. I was also worried that there was a good chance that you would end up dissolving the paint job!
While there are of course oaks in France I cannot think of anywhere that has that combination of steep hills and trees that just screams "British isles" - could have also been Wales or the Mourne mountains.
Thanks Tantallon for the varnish tips! Am curious as to the Daler Rowney matt varnish which I have heard good reports about and as such hope is better than the W & N equivalent cos have tried both their bottle and spray versions which were very poor!
Cheers Karl for the comments, these figures are 18mm AB's and are an absolute joy to behold as well as to paint!
Good question Karl. I fancied some nice Russian Kuirassiers but AB's Russians are at the halt. Maybe some Prussian Hussars would be interesting. Any better suggestions?