Work in Progress

Epic/15mm English Civil War

Posted by Minuteman on 14 Aug 2023, 15:39

steve_pickstock wrote:
This project has gotten to be a lot bigger than just the 12mm ECW. I have a few 15mm armies that haven't seen the light of day in many years and it occurred to me that with this new scenery it might be time to get them out and give them a whirl.

Also been taking time to work out reading glasses for model-making. I use a 1.25 for the computer, a 2.5 for when I'm using my tablet, and I have settled on a 3.5 for model-making. (At a £1 a pair from Poundland, they're cheap enough to have them positioned around the house for each task).

Thanks for looking in, take care.

Strange how projects like this seem to 'grow' as if they had some sort of 'instinct' of their own. :-D Those other 15mm armies will be worth seeing at some point, Steve.

Re: Reading glasses; yes, these can be astonishingly cheap, allowing several pairs to be distributed around the house, and perhaps a 'special' pair to be worn perched either on one's nose or atop the brow. They certainly make all the difference, and allow you to see things close up that would otherwise be a blur.
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Minuteman  United Kingdom
Posts: 1141
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06 Mar 2020, 21:38

Posted by steve_pickstock on 14 Aug 2023, 20:53

Minuteman wrote:Strange how projects like this seem to 'grow' as if they had some sort of 'instinct' of their own. :-D Those other 15mm armies will be worth seeing at some point, Steve.

Perhaps. They're old and they're battered and perhaps they're another project altogether getting them back in shape.

Minuteman wrote:Re: Reading glasses; yes, these can be astonishingly cheap, allowing several pairs to be distributed around the house, and perhaps a 'special' pair to be worn perched either on one's nose or atop the brow. They certainly make all the difference, and allow you to see things close up that would otherwise be a blur.

Yes, the glasses thing. The US forces in Europe used to have a thing called POMCUS - Prepositioning Of Materiel Configured in Unit Sets - so that if it hit the fan, instead of moving the men AND all their kit, all they had to do was move the men TO the kit waiting for them, so it's a bit like that on a much, much smaller scale!
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steve_pickstock  England
Posts: 1336
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20 Jun 2010, 19:56

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