Work in Progress

28mm-32mm Wild West Gunfighters

Posted by PaulRPetri on 21 Aug 2022, 17:12

I cannot explain this side project other than I wanted to do a small skirmish size game and I like painting MDF buildings. So this project has started!!
So far the first three buildings done and my two gunfighter factions, the Earps on the left and the Cowboys on the right. Figures from Kunuckledusters here in the USA.

Some Cowboys.

The Earps.

I am an average painter doing mostly historical mass armies were I have to paint hundreds of figures per side. So painting short cuts have been my painting life for 35 plus years. I found it hard to take my time and add extra detail to these figures. More buildings on the way looking forward to doing those.

Thanks for looking!
PaulRPetri  United States of America
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02 Apr 2019, 00:59

Posted by Rich W on 21 Aug 2022, 23:35

These look really good Paul! These certainly don't like any short cuts have been taken on them. And I like the buildings!
Rich W  United Kingdom
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Posted by PaulRPetri on 23 Aug 2022, 01:47

Thank you Rich. The figures I basically block painted and used Army Painter and GW washes over them. No edge highlighting for me except some grey highlightening over the Earp boys who were in all black.
PaulRPetri  United States of America
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02 Apr 2019, 00:59

Posted by C M Dodson on 24 Aug 2022, 19:20

Super figures and great buildings.

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by PaulRPetri on 25 Aug 2022, 19:35

Thank you Chris!
PaulRPetri  United States of America
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02 Apr 2019, 00:59

Posted by T. Dürrschmidt on 26 Aug 2022, 01:12

As a kid I was allowed to watch Western films along with my Dad on saturday night on German TV. In those cases I was allowed to stay up very long.

So thanks for bringing those memories back with some excellent painted figures and buildings.
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T. Dürrschmidt  Germany
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Posted by Peter on 27 Aug 2022, 22:33

Wonderfull painted figures! and buildings! :thumbup:
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Posted by Susofrick on 01 Sep 2022, 09:46

Looking real good! Was a real Wild West-nerd when young so really love this! Where are the houses from?
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Susofrick  Sweden
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Posted by PaulRPetri on 01 Sep 2022, 15:10

Thank you for the kind comments! The buildings are from this fellow on EBAY he may have a regular store however he is in the USA. With shipping costs going skyward I attempt to to buy in the US to keep costs down. Having said that I did order from a UK based company which was cheaper than some USA stuff??!! ... 3561.l2563
Here is the UK guy, Warbases. ... tus-creek/
PaulRPetri  United States of America
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02 Apr 2019, 00:59

Posted by k.b. on 01 Sep 2022, 16:20

How many of us here on Benny’s were first introduced to Military History through watching Westerns in our childhood.
Little could we imagine what a lasting impact those movies were to have on our lives.
Love these figures. The Earps and your cowboys. At a guess i’d say your minis are probably Wargames Foundry or Artisan, but without checking we won’t find out.
Could you enlighten us on their makers?
Fabulous post, fabolous figs and fabulous buildings…… well done
k.b.  Brazil
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Posted by PaulRPetri on 01 Sep 2022, 22:21

Hello k.b.
The figures are from Knuckledusters here in the USA.
He has rules, Gunfighters Ball, many figures almost all from movies, buildings with many extras for them.
PaulRPetri  United States of America
Posts: 651
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02 Apr 2019, 00:59

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