Work in Progress

Unruly Tommies WW2 France 1944, need some help

Posted by Hobbyinovator on 15 Mar 2021, 19:02

Bluefalchion wrote:Wow there are a lot of challenges with this project. If it were mine, and I saw those floor tiles starting to warp, I may have thrown up my hands.

Instead, you stuck with it. And it is starting to look pretty good. Convincing muddy look. It is coming along.

I actually saw the floor slowly warping tile by tile closer to the wall, luckily it stopped before reaching it. I was afraid the wall would be detached from the floor. My reasoning with the tiles is that as long as you don't see a tile that is bent then you can show row of tiles tilted, because that could be explained with a floor being broken from shell concussion.
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28 Dec 2009, 23:19

Posted by Bluefalchion on 15 Mar 2021, 19:16

And when life serves up lemons, make lemonade. Good show.
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Bluefalchion  United States of America
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Posted by Peter on 15 Mar 2021, 20:36

It looks real nice. :thumbup:

Two things:

1. is it possible that you post more as one picture in a post, as doing them all seperate like you did now? Please?

2. A suggestion for your groundwork. Why not using a simple woodfiller to fill the gaps? It will avoid you from the problems you now had. Woodfiller mixed with fine sand becomes as hard as clay. ;-) ;-)
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Peter  Belgium

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Posted by MABO on 15 Mar 2021, 20:39

Peter wrote:1. is it possible that you post more as one picture in a post, as doing them all seperate like you did now? Please?

I second that demand! Thanks!
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MABO  Europe
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Posted by Hobbyinovator on 15 Mar 2021, 23:39

Peter wrote:It looks real nice. :thumbup:

Two things:

1. is it possible that you post more as one picture in a post, as doing them all seperate like you did now? Please?

2. A suggestion for your groundwork. Why not using a simple woodfiller to fill the gaps? It will avoid you from the problems you now had. Woodfiller mixed with fine sand becomes as hard as clay. ;-) ;-)

1. I'll keep it in mind to next time.

2. I used joinery filler, I'm not sure about the termology here if we are talking the same thing or different things?
Posts: 235
Member since:
28 Dec 2009, 23:19

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