
Hello from France

Posted by zuluwar on 14 Nov 2010, 16:28

Hello some pictures

Zulu war and Sudan campaign 15 mm









Regards from France
zuluwar  France
Posts: 182
Member since:
14 Nov 2010, 16:10

Posted by k.b. on 14 Nov 2010, 16:42

WOOOW! :love: Fantastic reproductions of two of my favourite Colonial confrontations. The British v The Dervish/ The Zulu.

As I have some 15mm Essex Brits and Zulus I recognise the figures in your Rorke's Drift but what about in the Sudan? Are they also Essex? Particularly love your dismounted Camel Corps - how about some close-ups? ;-)
k.b.  Brazil
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Posted by zuluwar on 14 Nov 2010, 16:58

many thanks

go to my blog website

eveything is explain

the link

best regard
zuluwar  France
Posts: 182
Member since:
14 Nov 2010, 16:10

Posted by Peter on 14 Nov 2010, 17:00

15mm, wargamer, and good eyes. You've got everything to be a member here ;-)

Great paintjob, but yes some close ups of the figures would be nice ;-)

Welcome again :thumbup:
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Peter  Belgium

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Posted by zuluwar on 14 Nov 2010, 17:06

many thank

a big website from my friend richard in usa

looking good 15 mm as well


the link

best regard
zuluwar  France
Posts: 182
Member since:
14 Nov 2010, 16:10

Posted by Benno on 14 Nov 2010, 17:35

A most impressive introduction. :thumbup:
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Benno  Netherlands

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Posted by bokaso1 on 15 Nov 2010, 01:41

Wooooow..... very impressive, congratulations ....
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