Long long time ago in a galaxy far far away..... o sorry different project

So a long time ago perhaps 10 years or so i started something that would in the end become the gaul village from Asterix. But as most of my projects go it somehow moved to the background and then dissapared.... Now i finally have some time to continue with it
Now i quit recently bought a couple of the wel known chewinggum figures and decided to continue with these. So not much progress yet but i will every now and then make an update in this post.
I had already painted a coule of them (including panoramix) but now i also finished asterix and offcourse obelix and idefix.
So here are the pictures and..... to be continued

These are the welknown figures. I dont think i got all of them but i still have a couple to go

I always start with cleaning them with soap and (when dry offcourse) i spraypaint them grey

And so they go from this..

to this

Asterix/Obelix and Idefix
