
28mm,Spanish Incivil war.

Posted by santifernandez on 29 Dec 2022, 16:41

Hi mates,I have just painted a small scene of two republican soldiers during these days of vacation.
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Posted by k.b. on 29 Dec 2022, 20:04

Very interesting little scene santi, beautifully painted! May I ask what make of figures they are?
k.b.  Brazil
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Posted by santifernandez on 29 Dec 2022, 20:19

k.b. wrote:Very interesting little scene santi, beautifully painted! May I ask what make of figures they are?

Ebro miniaturas,new company in 28mm scale.
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santifernandez  Spain
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 29 Dec 2022, 20:36

Wonderful vignette, tocayo. And the famous photo "Death of a Loyalist Soldier" from Robert Capa is a very original complement. Well done! :love:

Santi Pérez.
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Posted by guilhem on 29 Dec 2022, 23:54

Excellent. but I think the picture is one milician and your soldiers are "brigade international".
May be one flag of one brigade international would be better for me. like Linlcoln bataillon, or other ...
guilhem  France
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Posted by guilhem on 29 Dec 2022, 23:56

Also I love the figures at the back ground... but the first will be break his arm ... how can he keep one riffle like that? with only one hand? for me realism is important, but I love your paint!
guilhem  France
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Posted by guilhem on 29 Dec 2022, 23:57

Maybe it would better to give him one revolver?
guilhem  France
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Posted by MABO on 30 Dec 2022, 00:20

Smooth and arty paintjob like always, Santi
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Posted by Konrad on 30 Dec 2022, 11:20

Again a very complex and clean work from you.
I especially like the shades of the uniforms.
Bien hecho! ;-)
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Konrad  Germany
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Posted by C M Dodson on 30 Dec 2022, 11:49

Beautiful painting with a nod to Mr Capra.

I think the first man is falling and hence the loose grip on his rifle.

Best wishes,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by Minuteman on 30 Dec 2022, 13:01

Lovely work, and a fine vacation project! These figures are full of life and movement, and are very well painted. Well done!
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Posted by Kekso on 30 Dec 2022, 17:01

You're making artwork in any scale my friend.
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Posted by santifernandez on 30 Dec 2022, 19:31

guilhem wrote:Maybe it would better to give him one revolver?

Is a good option but for other scene.
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santifernandez  Spain
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Posted by santifernandez on 30 Dec 2022, 19:32

Thanks mates,you are very kind.
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santifernandez  Spain
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Posted by Londoncopper on 03 Jan 2023, 01:08

They are nice figures, expertly painted, l have seen the 3d renders on Facebook but not the actual figures, they certainly look very well done.
Londoncopper  United Kingdom
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Posted by Peter on 13 Jan 2023, 19:16

Excellent work Santi! :thumbup:
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Posted by sansovino on 28 Jan 2023, 18:11

Wonderful paintjob and figures, but please give us brighter fotos. So many details are disapearing in the darkness.
sansovino  Germany
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