
More WWI figures - My latest

Posted by musketier on 04 Jan 2011, 04:45

Here is some figures I did in the last week or so, been a bit busy :-D

These are WWI German Jager light infantry- figures by Peter Pig 15mm range

Next up is some more WWI Belgian Guide cavalry ( I must have done 60 of these in the past 6 months) figures again by Peter Pig 15mm range

Here are some WWI Austro-Hungarian Lancers (odd they gave up the Lance at this time frame)
figures are 15mm Mini-Fig

and some more WWI German Jagers this time they are 15mm Mini-fig, not quite done with the unit, hehe
Thanks for looking
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musketier  United States of America
Posts: 3517
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21 Dec 2009, 16:11

Posted by Peter on 04 Jan 2011, 09:12

Goodlooking figures Randall :thumbup:

So you have time left to paint other things then the GB Teutonic knights ;-)
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Peter  Belgium

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Posted by musketier on 04 Jan 2011, 14:20

Well, Thanks Peter, I must be truthful some were started a couple months back but all were finished this last week. :-D
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musketier  United States of America
Posts: 3517
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21 Dec 2009, 16:11

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