I recently met Egbert to see his many great works live. We had a very nice time and he basically and briefly described to me how he works with oil paints. He also gave me a kind of manual by Walter Fischer, who describes how he worked. Walter Fischer didn't tell me anything at first. But he was a gifted figure painter who came from the flat pewter figure scene and later also painted Historex figures.
I always find written texts difficult when it comes to describing craft activities, but in this case I could at least imagine a few things to the extent that I wanted to try them out. And even with acrylic paints, I felt I had made a bit of a leap here, given my modest skills.
This figure from Airfix found my fabulous wife on Utah Beach in Normandy. The colleague from the 8th Army unfortunately missed his landing zone completely, so I took him to my place.
I concentrated mainly on the skin parts and worked with three skin tones from the Vallejo Panzer Aces series. I tried to use the wet-on-wet technique with acrylic paints that Walter Fischer describes - as far as I have understood - for oil paints. I was very pleased with the result, as I had never been able to do this with a figure of this size before.
Not a big step for mankind but an important one for me personally, which I wanted to share here.