Hello everybody, this was my contribution for the latest painting competition. I wanted to show some kind of "last stand", in a classic fantasy setting, using an"Empire"-like appearance.
The figs, cannon (Highlands miniatures) and tower is 3d print. I purchased the items online...the gabions are very special items, they were hand crafted by a basket maker. I bought it at the Kulmbach fair some years ago. (not very cheap) .
Here are some pictures I´ve taken today outside....and have to say they look better that the one´s I used for the competition. But it was winter time and dark outside....and time was running low.
Bluefalchion wrote:Tremendous! I agree about the outside pics. I always prefer natural sunlight if available.
Kostis Ornerakis wrote:You are right, your wonderful work is not justified by the 2 photos of the competition!!
I agree with both opinions. Despite everything, the high quality of your work could also be seen in the photographs submitted for the competition, Thomas.