For my Dungeons & Dragons campaign I painted six characters for my players. We are going to play for the first time all together during an upcoming BBQ next week. I'll be posting each character in the coming days.
This is Grace. She is a charlatan and monk, who follows Edion, the god of Wisdom, Knowledge & Trickery. She used to work at the monestary (a library), but since the Godstorm she was forced on the streets. She now follows the group so she can get a chance to save the world and rebuild the monestary. She is very caring, and my friend really plays her like an old grandma, which is really funny because he himself is a young lad!
My friend used art from Pathfinder, and I was lucky to find the exact figure from the Reaper Pathfinder line! The figure is called 'Estra, Iconic Spiritualist'. He hasn't seen it yet, I hope he will be delighted.
In the photo I noted a small grass piece on her hand, sorry for that .
Oh, and if anyone has tips on how I can improve adding grass to my base I would love to know more. As always, feedback is welcome so I can improve my technique!