
Super Death Robot of Doom!

Posted by Gunbird on 03 Sep 2011, 17:32

Hmmm, hardly.....


A 15mm Not-WallE from the bot pack from GZG. Gave him his cooler back (plasticcard) and tried to make it as Wall-E as possible. Just wanted to get something done after having a very miserable 2 weeks and Wall-E always brings a smile to my face.


Also, even if it is made for 15mm, it works fine with 20mm (which is why I bought it). Cross pollination is a beautiful thing. Base is a 1 eurocent coin, if that helps for a size reference.

(Sexy chick not painted by me, gift from Michi)
(Compared to a Minimi truck - still WIP)

And now back my Germans.
Gunbird  Netherlands
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22 May 2011, 01:02

Posted by Paul on 03 Sep 2011, 18:49

That´s great!! Very original :-D
What make is the "sexy chick" ?
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Posted by Gunbird on 03 Sep 2011, 18:52

You would have to ask Michi over at the Guild. I know it is a 25mm figure he trimmed down to 20mm scale, but who makes it I have no idea.....
Gunbird  Netherlands
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Posted by Konrad on 03 Sep 2011, 20:22

Great! :thumbup: :thumbup:
Love it. :-D ;-)
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Posted by Peter on 03 Sep 2011, 21:11

Cute! Very cute :thumbup: And I'm not talking about the chick!!!!!!!! :drool:

Hope you feel better now? :?
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Posted by MABO on 04 Sep 2011, 21:33

The robot is very funny. Like it also very much!
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Posted by Gunbird on 04 Sep 2011, 22:25

Yup Peter, feeling better (slightly) but at least I'm smiling again. I think I might pick up a few more someday to convert them to Wall-E at work....
Gunbird  Netherlands
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Posted by leifkarl1112 on 05 Sep 2011, 13:37

Wall-E brings a smile to my face also!

You've captured the essence of him with those magnificent eyes!! :love:

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Posted by Carlo Antonio on 05 Sep 2011, 23:54

Super work !!! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
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Carlo Antonio  Italy
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Posted by Bourbaki on 06 Sep 2011, 16:19

Great job man, keep it up!


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Posted by Dad's Army on 18 Sep 2011, 13:07

This is what I like, wall-e (and the girl as well of course)
And so small, awesome job my friend!
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