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Linear-A news & releases 2020 - 2024

Posted by Bessiere on 27 Nov 2022, 02:25

Erich von Manstein wrote:Another upcoming set fully revealed now. :thumbup:

027 - Nap. French Cavalry Disaster in and after Battle



A bit odd in posing but serviceable and I do like the horses quite a bit. Not sure why include 2 highlanders you can already find in those poses in 5 other sets?
Bessiere  United States of America
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Posted by Chariobaude on 27 Nov 2022, 12:14

Erich von Manstein wrote:
That's all well and good and certainly true, but you do understand that although Linear-A's headquarter is located in Germany, the creation of masters and whole production take place in war-torn Ukraine?

Unfortunately, I would therefore not be too optimistic about the medium-term production figures, let alone the development and expansion of additional subject areas. :(

I didn't know that this german brand was outsourcing its production in ukraine. So yes, it makes senss to not hope anything in a close future from it, obviously.
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Chariobaude  France
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Posted by MABO on 27 Nov 2022, 18:48

I think this set is really useful, even if I share the question on the two highlanders which should hsve been exchanged for two other French horsemen. They are not bad, but there is more need for the new French cavalry poses.

But I will buy the set for sure!
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Posted by steve_pickstock on 27 Nov 2022, 21:50

The horses - though they are obviously being modeled as being in distress - are beautiful.
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Posted by Bluefalchion on 27 Nov 2022, 22:27

The vignette of the French cavalry officer putting his old friend out of his misery--heartbreaking! I love this hobby but the older I get, the more I hate wars of any kind.
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Posted by Rich W on 28 Nov 2022, 00:28

This is a very unique set, and I like it! The poses are very imaginative and casualty poses are useful for both dioramas and wargaming. I think they've missed a trick by not doing more fallen horses though. And although I actually think both Highlander poses are excellent (clearly collecting/guarding prisoners), they are taking up valuable casualty spaces!
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Posted by Minuteman on 28 Nov 2022, 13:34

Bluefalchion wrote:The vignette of the French cavalry officer putting his old friend out of his misery--heartbreaking! I love this hobby but the older I get, the more I hate wars of any kind.

Yes, I agree with this sentiment Bluefalchion. For my part, I reconcile this with an appreciation of the sacrifice that has been made in past wars, and that the past is the past. We cannot change history, but we can always appreciate it and - in our military modelling - pay tribute to those who have fallen in the past, no matter the cause.

So far as this set is concerned, there really are some excellent sculpts here, and so all praise to the sculptor. A difficult subject certainly, but one that looks and feels realistic. I know of at least one (very large) Napoleonic diorama that might have some of these new figures included amongst the masses of French cavalry.
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Minuteman  United Kingdom
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Posted by Bessiere on 28 Nov 2022, 16:58

Minuteman wrote: I know of at least one (very large) Napoleonic diorama that might have some of these new figures included amongst the masses of French cavalry.

So true Minuteman. It may yet need a few more so we may get to paint a few of these before all is said and done. You did get the PDF James sent out, yes?
Bessiere  United States of America
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Posted by raph86 on 28 Nov 2022, 18:10

Good evening,
I too love these figures and will probably buy a box :-D

However, no one has mentioned the saddlery of the horses.

They all have the round coat rack, as per the riflemen but not for the dragoons and cuirassiers, no? :shock:
They should be square.

In any case, congratulations to the sculptor who did a remarkable job :yeah: .
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raph86  France
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 06 Dec 2022, 20:26

Boxart shows painted figures of 027 - Nap. French Cavalry Disaster in and after Battle.
Dynamic set that unquestionably will complement existing ones very nicely.
In fact, exactly what many enthusiasts have been asking for for a long time. :thumbup:


I also could have happily done without the two Highlanders in favour of more cavalrymen though. ;-)

This and 2 other sets are apparently about to be delivered now.
The others are
046 - Samnite Wars, Samnite / Italian Allies Cavalry Set 2
050 - Hellenistic Diadochi / Epigonoi - Ptolemaic Surprise Set 2

Maybe available before X-mas!? :winky:
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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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Posted by MABO on 06 Dec 2022, 22:48

Good News, Erich!
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MABO  Europe
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 13 Dec 2022, 19:11

Another figure from a soon to be released set previewed. :thumbup:

050 - Hellenistic Diadochi / Epigonoi - Ptolemaic "Surprise" Set 2

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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 18 Dec 2022, 11:49

As expected, today the entire and also soon to be released set has been previewed. :thumbup:

050 - Hellenistic Diadochi / Epigonoi - Ptolemaic Phalanx Set 2

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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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Posted by Michael Robert on 22 Dec 2022, 13:12

These phalanx guys look really like a fusion of Hellenistic and Egyptian styles. Makes it very attractive
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 25 Dec 2022, 11:17

Linear-A has now also presented the painted figures from the last of their 3 hopefully soon to be released sets. :thumbup:


So we can look forward to these in the not too distant future:

027 - Nap. French Cavalry Disaster in and after Battle
046 - Samnite Wars, Samnite / Italian Allies Cavalry Set 2
050 - Hellenistic Diadochi / Epigonoi - Ptolemaic Phalanx Set 2

Merry X-mas y'all. :merrychristmas:
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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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Posted by CliosPaintingBench on 26 Dec 2022, 02:22

They also released the box-art:


I'm very sure that's taken from Rome Total War 2, which makes me laugh. If I was a miniature designer I'd take a lot of inspiration from video games too, but seeing it on box art is a real departure from their other boxes. It almost looks pirated, I'm sure they're legally allowed to do it, but it's pretty funny.

I love Egyptian style pikemen, very unique miniatures, this recent boom of Hellenistic miniatures is fantastic.
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Posted by CliosPaintingBench on 06 Feb 2023, 04:58

It's been a very, very long time between releases but the company has just announced that their 3 news sets: Napoleonic French casualties, Ptolemaic pikes and Samnite cavalry are now released for sale.
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CliosPaintingBench  Australia
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Posted by Howlin on 08 Feb 2023, 04:09

I wish they had their ordering form also in English, its such a chore to try to translate. I was hoping to buy direct from them, but seems I was gonna get hit with an 18 Euro vax tax and that is just a bit steep for me.... I ordered from them once before and remembered it a reasonable exchange. Now I am thinking I can only get the Sammite cavalry when they hit ebay. (really well done)

Honest review the Egyptian set may be a little too much like the other phalanx they released to be a necessity to purchase(we will see). I do however want to support them to keep making more. Hopefully with more civilian and trade poses.
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Howlin  United States of America
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Posted by CliosPaintingBench on 09 Feb 2023, 06:33

Howlin wrote:I wish they had their ordering form also in English, its such a chore to try to translate. I was hoping to buy direct from them, but seems I was gonna get hit with an 18 Euro vax tax and that is just a bit steep for me.... I ordered from them once before and remembered it a reasonable exchange. Now I am thinking I can only get the Sammite cavalry when they hit ebay. (really well done)

Honest review the Egyptian set may be a little too much like the other phalanx they released to be a necessity to purchase(we will see). I do however want to support them to keep making more. Hopefully with more civilian and trade poses.

I definitely don't have the option to buy direct from them, I'm too far away. I always have to wait.

I have to say, I think these pikes are the most unique, they're native Egyptian levies with the cotton armour, whereas all the previous sets looked quite similar IMO. I'll pick up a set just so my Ptolemaic and Seleucid armies look different.
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CliosPaintingBench  Australia
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Posted by Howlin on 10 Feb 2023, 06:44

They are unique for sure, I kinda wish the other 4 poses were as unique, they seem to be quite similar and the other 3 armies look really good with each other and make a pretty big phalanx already. making one stand out from the other though makes for some good diversity.

It would be hard to miss out on any of their ancient releases. I will likely collect them just to have even though I have not made much progress painting this year and not sure if I will get to any of my egptian armies in near future... I was all ready to hit purchase until I saw the VAT tax.
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Howlin  United States of America
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