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Strelets news 2020 - 2024

Posted by Peter on 28 Nov 2022, 20:29

I see another square coming up! ;-)
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 25 Dec 2022, 11:09

As a little Christmas surprise last night, Strelets revealed some previously unseen masters of an as yet unnamed WSS artillery set. :yeah:





Merry X-mas y'all. :merrychristmas:
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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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Posted by steve_pickstock on 25 Dec 2022, 11:40

Thanks for these - and all of your contributions over this last year.

Erich von Manstein wrote:As a little Christmas surprise last night, Strelets revealed some previously unseen masters of an as yet unnamed WSS artillery set. :yeah:





Merry X-mas y'all. :merrychristmas:

I'm not sure that these are WSS, rather I think that they may be a Jacobite set. And I think that because a) one of the gunners is wearing a Tam o'shanter hat, b) that officer looks like he has come out of a very prosperous retirement (to fight fer Charlie" and c) the length of the waist coats is too short for a WSS uniform.
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steve_pickstock  England
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 25 Dec 2022, 13:08

steve_pickstock wrote:Thanks for these - and all of your contributions over this last year.

My pleasure. :occasion:

steve_pickstock wrote:I'm not sure that these are WSS, rather I think that they may be a Jacobite set. And I think that because a) one of the gunners is wearing a Tam o'shanter hat, b) that officer looks like he has come out of a very prosperous retirement (to fight fer Charlie" and c) the length of the waist coats is too short for a WSS uniform.

On second thought, this does indeed seem to be correct. :thumbup:

For many enthusiasts, such wonderful figures appear in the first place to be useful for the numerous (Kabinetts-) wars and early modern world wars of the broader "Tricorne-era". ;-)
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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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Posted by Flambeau on 25 Dec 2022, 21:06

steve_pickstock wrote: I'm not sure that these are WSS, rather I think that they may be a Jacobite set. And I think that because a) one of the gunners is wearing a Tam o'shanter hat, b) that officer looks like he has come out of a very prosperous retirement (to fight fer Charlie" and c) the length of the waist coats is too short for a WSS uniform.

Hm, maybe you're right, but then RedBox announced sometime ago that they were planning an artillery set for the Jacobite rebellion: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=23277&start=20.

Not sute if Strelets would actually go out of their way and enter into a competition with a fellow producer, especially under the current circumstances. Besides it'd be a whole new period for them. The officer is certainly usable for the WoSS and as for the artillerymen, the coat is too short fot the WoSS, but then it may just be the waistcoat, which would have been shorter and for artillerymen to dispose of the coat in the heat of battle would not be out of place. So perhaps we're looking at WoSS Dutch or Spanish gunners here - pure speculation on my part of course. But even if they're for a later period some might be usable for the WoSS. I just hope that for once we might get some bigger guns.
Flambeau  Germany
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Posted by Graeme on 26 Dec 2022, 01:08

Flambeau wrote:Hm, maybe you're right, but then RedBox announced sometime ago that they were planning an artillery set for the Jacobite rebellion: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=23277&start=20.

Not sute if Strelets would actually go out of their way and enter into a competition with a fellow producer

The proposed Redbox set is Royal Artillery; I think Steve's right, and these are the Jacobite gunners (at least that's what I'll be buying them for).

I see this as more a colaberation than competition; they did the same with the infantry; Strelets made the Jacobites and Redbox made the Government troops, I suspect that all the figures are the work of the same sculptor.

These are not huge companies with giant budgets so I suppose there is a limit to the number of sets they can produce per year; new sets are funded by sales of previous sets. Dividing production of these figures between the two companies is a way of getting a full range for this somewhat niche subject on the market at an affordable price, which I think is excellent!

A very nice Christmas present from Strelets, I'll definitely buy them; I may have to wait a while longer for the Redbox set because I think Haron is serving in the Ukraine Militia. My very best wishes to him and all of our friends in Ukraine.
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Posted by Rich W on 27 Dec 2022, 01:03

Whether Jacobite or WSS artillery, they look really good and I hope Strelets preview the rest of the set soon!
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 11 Feb 2023, 11:28

After several weeks of depressing silence, the Strelets team sent an energetic sign of life last night.





Once again Nap. Brits, but these will certainly find their audience. ;-)

Good to know they are still around, 'alive and kicking'. :thumbup:
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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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Posted by Minuteman on 11 Feb 2023, 12:00

Thanks for this prompt update, Erich.

It is great to know that Strelets are still alive and kicking, and are still apparently capable of producing new figures.

I am presuming that these figures are the command/casualty sprue for the forthcoming ' British late-Napoleonic war infantry in square/defence' set that we have seen other figures previewed for over recent months.

These are spirted sculpts, although not without some niggling 'problems'. Most obviously, the Strelets sculptor persists in putting British infantry (in action) in forage caps, which is historically inaccurate and would have been a disciplinary offence back in the day. Bare heads or shakoes only please. The officer appears to be armed with a naval cutlass and pistol; the sword blade is too large and machete-like, but a point of detail in this scale. The drummer would have been more useful standing; I'm assuming he is a prone casualty, and not doing a 'highland leap'?

This will be a useful set when released. All strength to Strelets for carrying on in the face of adversity.
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Minuteman  United Kingdom
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Posted by Bessiere on 11 Feb 2023, 14:56

I agree on your points, especially the officer. Why does no one ever make one drawing a sword? As for the "highland leap"; is that in reference to a painting we've all seen? Was that by lady Butler? You got me curious with that comment Mark. More power to Strelets to keep producing new sets. Our little hobby hangs on the fate of a very few manufacturers it seems.
Bessiere  United States of America
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Posted by Graeme on 12 Feb 2023, 01:39

Bessiere wrote:As for the "highland leap"; is that in reference to a painting we've all seen? Was that by lady Butler? You got me curious with that comment Mark.

I think Mark is referring to the fact that the drummer really does look like he's doing the Highland Fling, which is a dance:


I thought exactly the same thing when I saw the figure.

Minuteman wrote:These are spirted sculpts, although not without some niggling 'problems'. Most obviously, the Strelets sculptor persists in putting British infantry (in action) in forage caps, which is historically inaccurate and would have been a disciplinary offence back in the day.

But it might explain why the Sergeant Major has kicked him in the shin. :mrgreen:

Niggles aside, it's good to hear Strelets is keeping on and I look forward to seeing what some folks will do with those out of the ordinary sculpts.
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Graeme  Australia
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 18 Feb 2023, 09:13

Last night Strelets revealed further figures of a previously mentioned 18th century artillery set (see also earlier posting above, 25th December). :thumbup:




Details and poses are well done again and it remains to be seen whether they will manage to release them despite the current circumstances
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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 10 Mar 2023, 17:02

Strelets announced today that, despite the continued difficult circumstances caused by the war, at least two more sets are about to be released rather soon now.

242 - WSS French Guards Musketeers


268 - WSS German States Cuirassiers in skirmish


Welcome news in these otherwise dormant times. :thumbup:
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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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Posted by Minuteman on 10 Mar 2023, 21:18

The Musketeers will be most welcome. A third set of cuirassiers in helmets may be one too many, and might have been better as a set of Imperial hussars? But great to see Strelets continuing to add new sets.
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Minuteman  United Kingdom
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Posted by MABO on 10 Mar 2023, 23:54

I am looking forward to see more of these fantastic figures. I am waiting for the Musketeers!
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Posted by Erich von Manstein on 12 Mar 2023, 20:44

As was additionally communicated by Strelets yesterday, the Set Nap. Russian Jägers in Greatcoats seems to be ready for release as well. :thumbup:

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Erich von Manstein  Aruba
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Posted by Rich W on 13 Mar 2023, 00:29

Minuteman wrote:The Musketeers will be most welcome. A third set of cuirassiers in helmets may be one too many, and might have been better as a set of Imperial hussars? But great to see Strelets continuing to add new sets.

I agree Mark. I'm grateful for any release from them, and especially ones for WSS (incredible/miracle they are still managing). However, I wish their focus had gone on something other than a 3rd set of helmeted cuirassiers-perhaps standard line French cavalry.
Rich W  United Kingdom
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Posted by MABO on 13 Mar 2023, 16:58

The Russian Jaegers are welcome as well. Nice to have these units for cold and warm weather.
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Posted by Minuteman on 14 Mar 2023, 14:59

MABO wrote:The Russian Jaegers are welcome as well. Nice to have these units for cold and warm weather.

i agree, both Strelets Russian Jager sets (summer and now 'winter' in greatcoats) are very useful and fine figures.
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Minuteman  United Kingdom
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Posted by Minuteman on 14 Mar 2023, 15:05

Rich W wrote:

I agree Mark. I'm grateful for any release from them, and especially ones for WSS (incredible/miracle they are still managing). However, I wish their focus had gone on something other than a 3rd set of helmeted cuirassiers-perhaps standard line French cavalry.

Yes Rich, the biggest mystery to me in relation to this fine range of figures is just why Strelets have neglected to give us a set of French Line cavalry. OK, so the late war dragoons 'in reserve' are useable (although some minor conversion to the horses required), but what is really needed is probably two (or three) sets of French Line cavalry; one in action, one in reserve, and one skirmishing with firearms. Given the scope of the range now, these sets would be a logical addition which should/could have been designed some time ago.

Granted that circumstances now make it difficult for Strelets to produce new sets in quantity, but clearly they are able to do so on a limited scale and all praise to them for doing so. Very brave and very dedicated in these current, difficult times. Bravo Strelets!
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Minuteman  United Kingdom
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