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Figurenbörse Herne, November 6, 2011

Posted by Zed1 on 17 Oct 2011, 21:10

Hey folks - the next figure tradefair in Herne is about to come. I really thought that it will take place close to my birthday, but they seem to have changed the original date to an earlier one.
So this years' late exhibition will take place on Sunday, the 6th of November. Same place, same price, same exhibitors (I guess).

Tickets can already be ordered on Ebay: http://tinyurl.com/632rgpw

This is really a sales exhibition which is organized and dominated by PB Toys. I know that not everyone likes them or the character of this event (which is a little bit like a Tupper party for plastic figures :-D ), but it's certainly a great opportunity to have a great shopping tour.

So - if I'm not about to have my periodic part of family flu (since my oldest boy joined the Kindergarten, there's alway someone ill here...), I'll be there. And I'll bring along whatever medieval stuff I don't need anymore, Paul - so I guess we'll meet for a cup of coffee or two?

Anyone else who likes to join? ;-)
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Zed1  Germany
Posts: 1303
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17 Jan 2011, 14:25

Posted by Paul on 18 Oct 2011, 08:57

Well me for sure :-D
There´s also a couple of bloggers coming..one at least from the UK :headbang:
I´ll bring any napoleonic stuff I don´t need anymore.
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Paul  China
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25 Nov 2008, 09:31

Posted by Zed1 on 18 Oct 2011, 11:04

Paul wrote:Well me for sure :-D I´ll bring any napoleonic stuff I don´t need anymore.

Great! That's like music in my ears. :-D

There´s also a couple of bloggers coming..one at least from the UK :headbang:

Well - the more, the better. :mrgreen: I wouldn't have thought that anyone would travel that far for such a small event.
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Zed1  Germany
Posts: 1303
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17 Jan 2011, 14:25

Posted by Madknight on 18 Oct 2011, 11:49

I know someone from Budapest, Hungary, whom I've met for the last six years specifically at this event ihn Herne :-D
Madknight  Germany
Posts: 43
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29 Dec 2009, 19:12

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