Miniatures Talk

Newline Elephants

Posted by Ochoin on 24 Apr 2024, 20:37

My Pyrrhic army is fast approaching completion. Indeed another 9-18 months might see it done.

It currently has an elephant-force of 2 of the excellent Zvesda war-elephants. I think I need another 2 nellies.

I know Linear A have a set in the works - due when? Should I wait?
So maybe the 20mm Newline Macedonian elephants might work as a faster solution.
There's photos of one (none of the tower-less elephant) & it looks good.

Does anyone have such a beast in their collection? Size-wise, will it stand up to the Zvesda ones?
Suggestions, comments etc?

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Ochoin  Scotland
Posts: 2443
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16 Jan 2010, 04:00

Posted by CliosPaintingBench on 29 Apr 2024, 02:39

Donald, I'd like to see that Pyrrhic army very much. No one really knows when the set:

#049 Hellenistic Diadochi / Epigonoi - Seleucid ELEPHANTS versus Ptolemaic ELEPHANTS Set 4 "Battle of Raphia 217 BC"

will get released but there is an early progress bar which implies work has started, so if I had to guess, it'd probably be end of this year. I personally am waiting because I prefer working with plastic / resin and I think the sculpts from Linear A are great. I think the newline elephants will suffice but I think Linear-A's models are amongst the best in the industry, so I'm happy to wait. But it will take a while for the models to come out, I believe.
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CliosPaintingBench  Australia
Posts: 822
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14 Jan 2020, 06:46

Posted by Ochoin on 01 May 2024, 23:04

Hi, Owen.
Clearly, Linear a figs are quality. I have a Newline Pyrrhus for my army but would be keen to replace it for the promised Linear A Epirote king.

It all comes down to time & patience as to which way I jump.

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Ochoin  Scotland
Posts: 2443
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16 Jan 2010, 04:00

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