Miniatures Talk

French Artillery and the Gribeauval System by Histoire & Col

Posted by dms on 29 Jan 2023, 06:11

Hello everyone,does anyone know where i could get this book (first volume) in europe for a reasonable price?
thanks in advice
dms  Europe
Posts: 173
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18 Jan 2022, 11:10

Posted by MABO on 30 Jan 2023, 01:13

Unfortunnately not. But I would ask if they knew something maybe.
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MABO  Europe
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Posted by dms on 30 Jan 2023, 05:30

thanks, Mabo
dms  Europe
Posts: 173
Member since:
18 Jan 2022, 11:10

Posted by MgrNotger on 30 Jan 2023, 13:49 ... os-26.html Maybe there , they are the french publisher!
MgrNotger  Belgium
Posts: 1
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30 Jan 2023, 13:44

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