Yes, they might be wearing some more modern armour, and might have some certain hellenization, at least from captured weapons, as being basically rebels. But considering their fanaticisim, and hatred of the hellenic ways, I would say they would try deliberately to avoid wearing hellenized armour. Weapons surely yes, and maybe some shields, but if they could, I bet they would avoid wearing greek helmets, and fighting against the Seleucids and their auxiliaries, they would also make a point to be easily distinctive while in battle.
I have found a few images of Jewish soldiers of roughly the time;
Although some are from fan made modifications of a videogame, the amount of research into this is usually very very good, usually better than the miniature manufacturers!
I would say that the Caesar soldiers, changing weapons, maybe adding some armour would be ideal, if at least as light skirmishers or rebelious rabble.