
1/72 3D printed Fantasy figures

Posted by blacksmith on 12 Jul 2024, 13:42

I'm having printed some figures I cannot find in 1/72 scale for my Fantasy skirmishes and I'll be posting them here.
First one is this GW Wich Hunter and his mastiff that I'll use for Rangers of the Shallow Deep.


And here is a compartive shot with one of the 1/72 Dark Alliance Rangers in whicn the out of proportion of Fantasy figures can be clearly appreciated:

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blacksmith  Spain
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Posted by Peter on 12 Jul 2024, 17:58

Very nice painted figures! :thumbup:

We could discuss the size, but I'm to lazy for that! :mrgreen: ;-)
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 12 Jul 2024, 18:18

Regardless of the proportions, what always causes admiration in your figures is their superb painting, Javier. :love:

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Posted by blacksmith on 12 Jul 2024, 20:23

Peter wrote:Very nice painted figures! :thumbup:

We could discuss the size, but I'm to lazy for that! :mrgreen: ;-)

:xd: :xd: :xd:
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blacksmith  Spain
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Posted by blacksmith on 12 Jul 2024, 20:25

Santi Pérez wrote:Regardless of the proportions, what always causes admiration in your figures is their superb painting, Javier. :love:


Thank you very much Santi, very kind of you. I must say I'm happy with how they have turned out.
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blacksmith  Spain
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Posted by Rich W on 12 Jul 2024, 23:30

Really really cool figure Javier!
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Posted by blacksmith on 13 Jul 2024, 00:15

Rich W wrote:Really really cool figure Javier!

Thank you Rich!
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blacksmith  Spain
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Posted by Bill Slavin on 13 Jul 2024, 14:28

Very nice painting and figures. And yes, the difference in aesthetics can be jarring at times!
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Posted by PaulRPetri on 13 Jul 2024, 22:46

Excellent painting as always Javier! Great stuff!!
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Posted by Kekso on 14 Jul 2024, 17:47

What's not to like here?

Yeah, 3d printing is filling gap in 1/72 fantasy.
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Posted by XbriX on 14 Jul 2024, 20:30

Nice painting as always.
I was thinking, if you made a figure slightly slimmer in a computer program before printing, the cartoony proportions could look a bit better. Correct me if I'm wrong, but let's say you've got a 28mm figure you want to print in 1/72 - you would resize each dimension to roughly 0.75 it's original value. But because it's quite stocky sculpt as in case of your ranger here, we could resize his height to 0.75 to make him 1/72 and his width to something like 0.65 to make him slightly slimmer, but still look as intended. Does that make any sense?
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Posted by blacksmith on 14 Jul 2024, 23:53

Yes Kekso, 3d printing in the hobby nowadays is like we moved into internet back in the day, a new world with unless posibilities.
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Posted by blacksmith on 14 Jul 2024, 23:56

Indeed it does! Thing is I have my miniatures printed, but I'll ask to the guy who prints for me if he can try one as a test. Anyway, I normally send to print monsters and creatures and proportions are not too relevant with them. Cheers.
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Posted by blacksmith on 14 Jul 2024, 23:57

Thank you guys for the kind words. Appreciated. :-)
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Posted by Ochoin on 15 Jul 2024, 05:39

blacksmith wrote:Yes Kekso, 3d printing in the hobby nowadays is like we moved into internet back in the day, a new world with unless posibilities.

Excellent figures - full of personality. Well done.

I'm waiting the delivery of a unit of 12 Prussian SYW cuirassiers at the moment. They will look very nice but aren't particularly cheap - $75 (A) + P&P.

Obviously, if you have your own printer, & the expertise, you would get them for $15 (for the files) + materials. Much cheaper but that's not me.

I'd originally thought - here was a way to get my unobtainable Russian SYW army - I'd need 300 figures. So, probably in the region of $3000. Sadly, I think not.

So for me & I think a lot of others, 3d printing is for that special figure, or handful, or a unit no-one else makes. Large wargaming armies aren't cost-acceptable.

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Posted by Santi Pérez on 15 Jul 2024, 13:20

Ochoin wrote:...Obviously, if you have your own printer, & the expertise, you would get them for $15 (for the files) + materials. Much cheaper but that's not me...So for me & I think a lot of others, 3d printing is for that special figure, or handful, or a unit no-one else makes. Large wargaming armies aren't cost-acceptable...

I share Donald's concern, as I too have neither the economic potential nor the knowledge to embark on the use of 3D printed figures. :(

A cheap and fun solution I found quite a few years ago: making my own figures by converting existing ones. I admit that it's a very ardous and time-consuming task, but the enjoyment of the process and the satisfaction of knowing that no one else has a figure just like yours, more than compensates me. :winky:

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by blacksmith on 15 Jul 2024, 13:24

Ochoin wrote:
Excellent figures - full of personality. Well done.

I'm waiting the delivery of a unit of 12 Prussian SYW cuirassiers at the moment. They will look very nice but aren't particularly cheap - $75 (A) + P&P.

Obviously, if you have your own printer, & the expertise, you would get them for $15 (for the files) + materials. Much cheaper but that's not me.

I'd originally thought - here was a way to get my unobtainable Russian SYW army - I'd need 300 figures. So, probably in the region of $3000. Sadly, I think not.

So for me & I think a lot of others, 3d printing is for that special figure, or handful, or a unit no-one else makes. Large wargaming armies aren't cost-acceptable.


I was exactly in the same position as you with the 3d printing until I met a person who I now play games with, and he does all the work at a nice price. For example, now I am looking for carnivorous plants, ghouls, skeletons, giant bats, trolls, ogres and a Stuart tank (this I got it for free in thingyverse) in 1/72, so I tell him and he shows me what he's got and then I have the figures delivered in a week so I'm taking advantage of this luck and doing all the projects I couldn't do before. :-)
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blacksmith  Spain
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Posted by Bill Slavin on 15 Jul 2024, 13:28

What you say is true, Santi. I am very addicted to conversions now - I am currently making a regiment of Spanish lancers that I believe do not exist in 1/72 out of some Dutch lancers - all they have in common is the lance! I actually prefer doing conversions to the painting now!

Having said that, 3D printing opens a whole world of possibilities - I am tempted to explore the 3D sculpting programs, but I know that is a huge rabbit hole. :shock:
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 19 Jul 2024, 20:06

Bill Slavin wrote:...I actually prefer doing conversions to the painting now!...

It's the same for me, Bill, although it's not a recent development, it's been going on for quite a few years now. :lol:

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by blacksmith on 24 Jul 2024, 15:04

I had the two first Ogres Jes Goodwin did long ago printed. I think they are the best Ogres around ever and now I have them in 1/72 for my skirmish games.

They are smaller than the original ones and less sharp as well, but I am very happy with how they have turned out. I must say they look better in the flesh.

I tried to paint them as when they were released except for the Hrothyogg's scabbard (see below). My Skrag's axe is also green but it cannot be appreciated in my pictures.



And here there is a comparison of them next to a 1/72 Caesar's adventurer and a Dark Alliance Ranger.

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blacksmith  Spain
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