
Some stuff for the 1940 campaign

Posted by chen on 31 May 2023, 12:11

Dear gents,

Here are some models I've made in 2020 as a project aiming to re-tell the story of 1940 campaign in France. I was planning to make a series of narratives (something like a series of 'weekly report') according to the progress of the real history in 1940. But the plan was totally disrupted because of the covid event, and the project half-done. I only managed to finish 4 scenes, as following they are.

Scene 1: The Phoney War




A photo showing how I took the photo :mrgreen:



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chen  China
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Posted by chen on 31 May 2023, 12:17

Scene 2: Life on the front
This is a special representation of a fun photo I found in researches.



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chen  China
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Posted by chen on 31 May 2023, 12:18

Scene 3: Evacuation of the Louvres
I was deeply touched when I saw the old photos of the Louvres Museum during their evacuation of artworks in the war. So I made these non-military elements with simple conversions.
I believe this is a painting by Gustave Courbet destroyed in the war, and I happened to find that it could be 'revived' with these Pegasus figures.

I read a report stating that a painting of huge dimensions (whose title I forgot) had to be transported alonely by a long truck, and that the painting was so tall that a worker from the Telecom company had to be specifically appointed to accompany the truck in order to lift up every telephone wire the truck was passing underneath. Anyway I chose this more famous <Liberte Guidant le Peuple> as a stronger symbol.


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chen  China
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Posted by chen on 31 May 2023, 12:19

Scene 4: The War Begins
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chen  China
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Posted by chen on 31 May 2023, 12:50

Scene 4: The Fight Begins






Maybe you could recognize which historical photo this above is aiming to represent...

That's all for this project. Hope one day I could have enough time to finish it as planned.

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chen  China
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Posted by Machno on 31 May 2023, 13:19

amazing work :thumbup:
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Machno  Italy
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Posted by Wiking on 31 May 2023, 16:33

I like the white cat who reads the newspaper ?

Great painting by the way.
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Wiking  Germany
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Posted by MABO on 31 May 2023, 16:54

:drool: :drool: :drool:
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Posted by Iceman1964 on 31 May 2023, 17:55

I love your painting, and the small scenes are very nice !
Very good work Chen :yeah:
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Iceman1964  Italy
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Posted by guilhem on 31 May 2023, 18:14

Amazing, I love your paint and your conversion. Very happy to see your work here. Best regards my friend.
guilhem  France
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Posted by guilhem on 31 May 2023, 23:14

Chen , I think I will send you my own french soldiers to see them paint by you.
guilhem  France
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Posted by chen on 01 Jun 2023, 05:02

Many thanks for your appreciations. :-D

Wiking wrote:I like the white cat who reads the newspaper ?

A newspaper, or a patrol report which is incorrectly ignored...

guilhem wrote:Chen , I think I will send you my own french soldiers to see them paint by you.

Thanks Guilhem, for bringing me back here and for the generous offer. I remember your very exquisite conversions of the 1940 French soldiers. It'd be a great pleasure of mine to get the chance to paint them!
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chen  China
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Posted by C M Dodson on 01 Jun 2023, 05:25

Very nice and very different.

It is nice to see such talent at work on this fascinating early war period .

Best wishes,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by Minuteman on 01 Jun 2023, 08:30

Great scenes and superb painting. Very fine work indeed !
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Posted by Peter on 02 Jun 2023, 21:59

Excellent painted figures and scenery! Art! :thumbup:
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Posted by guilhem on 03 Jun 2023, 21:48

Chen my friend look my figures here
and tell me witch figures you would like. I will send you them soon as possible... I wish see them painted by you.
guilhem  France
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Posted by Rich W on 04 Jun 2023, 01:47

Great work!
Rich W  United Kingdom
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 04 Jun 2023, 19:52

Wow, you've managed to leave me speechless again looking at this new collection of figures and vignettes, Chen. Besides your superb paint job on them, they are all super original and very creative, with lots of details to enjoy. :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

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Posted by chen on 05 Jun 2023, 08:23

With your appreciation and warm encouragement I think I must continue this project as soon as I finish my Napoleonic Leipzig project in October of this year. Hat‘s off to you all, gents!

guilhem wrote:Chen my friend look my figures here
and tell me witch figures you would like. I will send you them soon as possible... I wish see them painted by you.

Wow, I didn't know you've got an entire series of products. They are really nice figures. Well done Guilhem. Please check your PM box. :mrgreen:
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chen  China
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