
Dwarven artillery

Posted by Kaiphranos on 24 Jan 2023, 20:22

A couple of years ago, I painted up a contingent of Dark Alliance dwarves as part of my fantasy collection for Hordes of the Things and other games. I had a few left over after that, which I wasn't quite sure what to do with, but last year I hit upon some inspiration - maybe they could be turned into a gun crew for one of the spare cannons from the RedBox set I had bought for my Conquistadors.

Well, this month I finally got around to putting it together and painting it, so here it is!



And for those who are curious, here's a picture from when I was plotting it out:


The red-brown fellow was not actually a dwarf to start with; he is a stray from the MiniArt Germanic Warriors set who was floating around and didn't seem too out of place. Hopefully his crouched posture hides his un-dwarven stature!

The wheels and mantlet are from another deep dive into my Box o' Bits: they came from a Caesar Assyrian Chariot, flipped up on its side and with a notch carved into it to fit the cannon.
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Kaiphranos  United States of America
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Posted by Peter on 24 Jan 2023, 21:03

Veri nice and original work! I like it! :thumbup:
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Posted by blacksmith on 24 Jan 2023, 22:02

Great work!
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blacksmith  Spain
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Posted by Rich W on 24 Jan 2023, 23:50

Great idea and I like the colours used for the cannon.
Rich W  United Kingdom
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Posted by Minuteman on 25 Jan 2023, 16:59

Very nice indeed, and I applaud your imagination in combining a small Redbox C16th Italian naval cannon with some Assyrian chariot wheels....inspired! The end result looks very good, and those Dwarves now have an extra weapon to use against hordes of attacking Orcs. :yeah: :-D
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Posted by Susofrick on 26 Jan 2023, 11:25

Really nice work!
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Posted by Bill Slavin on 26 Jan 2023, 14:30

Very imaginative - a great re-use of old bits and I really like the patterning on the gun shield. The MiniArt figure fits right in - simply a slightly taller, lanky dwarf.
And it looks as of the dwarves hit their target!
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Bill Slavin  Canada

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Posted by Kekso on 27 Jan 2023, 18:48

Cool. I agree with others.
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Kekso  Croatia

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Posted by carlosfaro on 30 Jan 2023, 11:52

I love this! really well executed. I did not realize that the miniart lonely german spearmen was actually a Dwarf, I also will recruit mine in my dwarf army :)

Congratulations for the Battery and the originality in manufacturing the gun and cnverisons.

I also prepared a pair of Batteries:


And this still on projecto (3d printed)



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Posted by Kaiphranos on 30 Jan 2023, 17:38

Very nice! Those have a lot of character! I recognize the fellow with the ramrod. ;)
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Kaiphranos  United States of America
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Posted by dykio on 30 Jan 2023, 20:44

realy well thought conversions and very original. And also a perfect paintjob !! and well....whats not to like about dwarves :yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :yeah:
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dykio  Netherlands
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