
The Zengids (Seljuk Cavalry)

Posted by Xantippos on 24 Nov 2022, 08:34

At last I manage to finish some project, fully, succesfully and completely!

I wanted to paint something, and hence I gave a look at my various boxes. The set that more needed a painting was the Seljuk Cavalry, as they are almost identical as the Arab Cavalry from Strelets (so much I had to recheck on PSR who was who!) and for wargaming this is very annoying. I preferred to keep the Arab Cavalry as it was for the moment, and hence paint the Seljuks to enhance their "seljukicity" :P .

While looking at them it struck me they were not completely fitting for me what I would understand as Seljuks. Call me picky, but I would imagine them more nomadic and slim. These, hence, suggested me something later, and much more arabic.

Hence with a bit of research I decided to paint them as Zengids, which was a Beylik, a small state loosely under the Seljuk authority, of Seljuk ethnicity but quite mixed with arabic influence, based in Mosul. They fought against the Crusaders taking Edessa most famously.

They fitted inside what one would call Seljuk, and it's quite impossible nobody releases a set of Zengids proper, hence perfect :-) .

So, I applied mainly yellow-orange-maroon, with some touches of nomadic blue and dark colours.

Once finished the painting, they struck me as much too clean, and hence I used Games Workshops inkings, that while not wonderful, they give a good sense of realism, and they give a bit of varnish protection too, which allowed me to skip that tedious phase.

As a bonus, I did a small foot archer :-) .

The highlight of them, is I believe, the chrome paint. I used a marker, and so I painted two swords and the masked seljuk.

Hope you like them and would love to read your impressions :P .

This time, as asked, I did clear large picture studios :-) .If you click twice on the picture it should grow larger.

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Posted by Santi Pérez on 25 Nov 2022, 20:59

Wonderful painted cavalry, Xantippos. :drool:

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Posted by Konrad on 25 Nov 2022, 21:59

Very nice work.
Clean and colorful.
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Posted by Peter on 25 Nov 2022, 22:36

Wonderfull and colorfull painted cavalry! :thumbup:
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Posted by Bill Slavin on 27 Nov 2022, 01:18

Those look great - a very mixed bag as far as the armour and clothing go - they must have been a lot of fun to paint.
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Posted by Xantippos on 27 Nov 2022, 08:14

Many thanks :) . Actually they were a bit tiring to paint, but the results were well worth it :) . Unpainted they don't seem much, the paint really improves them and makes you appreciate all the details. I hate it when I paint some soldiers and the results isn't as satisfying as I had hoped for, with these I was happy of how they turned out :)
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Posted by MABO on 27 Nov 2022, 22:14

Good work! thanks for sharing!
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Posted by Rich W on 28 Nov 2022, 00:20

Very nice and colourful!
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Posted by Minuteman on 28 Nov 2022, 13:46

Very fine work on these Seljuk cavalrymen, a very nice Strelets set which your painting has done full justice to. Well done!
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Posted by blacksmith on 28 Nov 2022, 15:45

They look great. I'd love to see closer pics of them.
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