
Bosworth 1485 - Bloody will be your end

Posted by krugi3 on 04 Oct 2022, 21:41


The third and final part of my Bosworth series.

The moment depicted is the charge of the Yorkist cavalry with Richard III. leading. After the setback on his right flank Richard was induced to charge directly against Herny Tudor in person and kill him, to end his claim once and for all. At the head of his cavalry he attacked downhill and he nearly succeeded when killing his standard bearer, but this was the high water mark of the charge and the Yorkist having many casualities had to retreat, where Richard was killed.

The figures are again from MiniArt and therefore I had the same problems with conversions and positioning. Additional the flat riders and horses were a special challenge. All lances had to be replaced, saddles had to be reworked. The flags (Richard III., Henry Tudor, Rhys-ap-Thomas) are all made of paper and are handpainted.

The subtitle of the diorama is the second line of the already in part 2 mentioned quote of Shakespeare's play "Richard III.".

Here can see the final diorama:
Pictures: ... r-end.html

And here a few teasers:







Greetings from Austria
Thomas Krug
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krugi3  Austria
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Posted by Bessiere on 04 Oct 2022, 22:10

Excellent work and special credit for the banners - they look amazing.
Bessiere  United States of America
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Posted by T. Dürrschmidt on 04 Oct 2022, 22:39

The hand painted banners are amazing....aswell as the aspect of getting out the maximun of Miniart-figures. Very good work and excellent photography!

Simply "leiwond" :-)
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T. Dürrschmidt  Germany
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Posted by C M Dodson on 05 Oct 2022, 08:23

Fabulous stuff and the slightly blurred photography on some of the pictures adds a sense of movement.

The banners are superb but personally I would have made the poor lanced chap a bit more agitated as that wound has to be fatal.

Nevertheless, spirited stuff from an age where warfare was essentially hacking your foe to pieces.


Best wishes,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by Das_Dirch on 05 Oct 2022, 08:24

Very dynamic scene. The banners are :drool: :yeah:
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Posted by Minuteman on 05 Oct 2022, 14:37

A very good diorama, with great modelling, conversions and painting. Really good photography too, which captures the atmosphere of the desperate last charge of Richard III at Bosworth. As others have observed, the banners are particularly good. It is all very effective, Well done!

It is a shame that the MiniArt sets of late medieval European knights were not better made, since the 'flat' nature of many of the figures does make them difficult to use...unless of course you are a fan of semi-flat figures!

I am just reading the book by Phillipa Langley and Michael Jones 'The Search for Richard III: The Kings Grave', which is an account of how Ms Langley initiated a search for the long-lost resting place of Richard III, resulting in his body then being found under a car park in the city of Leicester. It is a good story, and is now also a film 'The Lost King', currently on release.
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Minuteman  United Kingdom
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Posted by sberry on 05 Oct 2022, 16:53

Great work!
Especially the first pictures look like movies stills. The fit of the vignette and its background is perfect, creating a very realistic impression!
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sberry  Germany
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Posted by Kekso on 06 Oct 2022, 06:47

Nicely painted, cool photos.
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Posted by Ochoin on 06 Oct 2022, 12:24

Excellent work & very inspiring.

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Ochoin  Scotland
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 06 Oct 2022, 18:54

You have achieved a fantastic diorama, Thomas. Great work! :thumbup:

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by Iceman1964 on 07 Oct 2022, 13:29

Great diorama, the handmade banners are simply marvellous, unbelievable top realization !
Nomination also for the cavalier with the broken lance, excellent poses
My best compliments
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Iceman1964  Italy
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Posted by Hobbyinovator on 07 Oct 2022, 20:19

I really like the detail with the broken lance stuck in the banner man.
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