
Fantastic battles (Fantasy Armies)

Posted by Frater SINISTER on 10 Sep 2022, 12:32

Two test miniatures for the paint scheme of my Easterling/Balchoth army, using 1:72 miniatures (Dark Alliance). I will play with Fantastic Battles rulebook. I like both the paint schemes, maybe the first could be for the infantry, while the red one for leaders.


I did some tests with the 60x60mm regiment tray and the chariot.
The horses are smaller than the ones I will use for the rohirrim, maybe I will use some alternatives from zvezda or I could just consider them as a race of small horses used for chariot.

I ordered the 60x60mm regiment trays with slots, here how they should be done, the first for the infantry, the second for cavalry and the last for the chariots.
Then I could easily change miniatures inside the regiment trays when needed, and use them as single miniatures if I want to play another game with skirmish rules:
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Frater SINISTER  Italy
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Posted by Kaiphranos on 10 Sep 2022, 23:39

Looks great! That red/copper scheme is really striking. I'll be interested to see how the chariots turn out!
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Kaiphranos  United States of America
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Posted by Rich W on 11 Sep 2022, 00:16

I really like red one in particular.
Rich W  United Kingdom
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Posted by Harry Faversham on 11 Sep 2022, 02:35

I'd go down the road of having the silver bloke's uniform for the handrags and the magnificently attired red chaps as the King's Guard.
Great looking couple of figures!

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Harry Faversham  England
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Posted by blacksmith on 14 Sep 2022, 22:11

They look great but I'd paint them in red and gold. BTW, to whom did you order those bases? I may order some too...
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blacksmith  Spain
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Posted by Frater SINISTER on 14 Sep 2022, 22:34

I ordered the regiment trays and bases from this shop:

Some of the miniatures have "horns" on their helms with print defects, then I replaced them with plumes and other bitz, that will give them a more "chaotic" look as evil easterlings (Balchoth). I was considering to paint them with some variations in clothes and armor, some with steel armors, other with red or just parts of it.

At the moment I will try to paint a Rohirrim Knight, then maybe I will start to paint 9 balchoths without bases. I hope the order I made from warbases will arrive soon, without too problems from the customs office (sometime I waited a month from UK shipping to Italy, thanks to the cursed italian customs office)
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Frater SINISTER  Italy
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Posted by CliosPaintingBench on 16 Sep 2022, 03:35

I personally like both colour schemes; the chipped metal looks gritty but the bronze is very rich, great work!
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CliosPaintingBench  Australia
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Posted by Frater SINISTER on 17 Sep 2022, 10:51

I painted the first of the Rohirrim Knights. Classic paint scheme of the Rohirrim from the movie and Citadel/GW.
When the regiment trays and bases I've ordered will arrive, I will include them on the miniatures.

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Frater SINISTER  Italy
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Posted by blacksmith on 17 Sep 2022, 11:01

Great painting. I've already commented this on LAF ;-)
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blacksmith  Spain
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Posted by Peter on 24 Sep 2022, 10:42

These are very good painted! :thumbup:
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Posted by PhilC on 25 Sep 2022, 13:31

These figures are very nicely painted, congratulations. As Kaiphranos said, the red/copper color scheme is very nice, and original.
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Posted by MABO on 03 Oct 2022, 06:58

I like the rider from Rohan most!
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Posted by Frater SINISTER on 03 Oct 2022, 15:04

Thanks :)
Nice news, the bases for Fantastic Battles are arrived: 60x60mm square bases with small pill and round bases.
Now I could start to paint the miniatures.

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Frater SINISTER  Italy
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Posted by MABO on 04 Oct 2022, 07:34

Let them come!
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MABO  Europe
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