
The Battle of Antietam ( Sharpsburg) 17th September 1862

Posted by PaulRPetri on 29 Mar 2023, 01:59

Chris your work is absolutely incredible. For my money you are the best dioramist, (is that a word?) I have ever seen. Your work really strikes a cord with me. When I was a kid, I am 60 now so that was a few years ago, I discovered in our local library a picture book on the the Battle of Gettysburg done in miniatures. This would be the early 1970's. I could never find that book again but the images stayed with me to this day. Probably led me into wargaming. Then a a video was done in 1988 on the battle of Gettysburg in miniatures, see below.
Was very well done but they had an army of miniature painters and terrain builders. You are a one man show and they still cannot touch your artistic expertise!!
PaulRPetri  United States of America
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Posted by C M Dodson on 29 Mar 2023, 08:04

Thank you to Paul, Bill and Richard for your lovely comments.

With regard to books I have not given it much thought as by publishing on the net I thought it would be pointless. I would not have thought there would be a big enough audience.

Paul’s comments whilst lovely are I believe mistaken. There are many genius’s of modelling out there but my inspiration has always been Wolfgang Meyer and his friends.

The latest Frolischer project is another tour de force, although personally I do not like his explosions. ... &start=480

Marvellous stuff .

That Gettysburg U tube was great. I have not seen it before and was thinking of the superb diorama at Battery Ridge when I initially saw your link.

I posted a link to it from Thomas Mischak which brought back memories of my visit with Der Feldmarschall in 2002.

They have even got the good Father in it and Sickles with cigar was a nice touch.

Thank you, once again, it encourages me to strive to do better.

Best wishes,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by Peter on 29 Mar 2023, 21:58

I wish I could read this as a book. It's just fantastic! :thumbup:
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Posted by Susofrick on 30 Mar 2023, 08:26

One member have made a book of his work with an ancient German/Celtic village. Don't remember who it was, but I think it was one of our German friends. Could have been sberry!
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Posted by PatrickJ71 on 02 Apr 2023, 11:24

I can only agree with everything that has already been said above and what I have already said in an earlier post.
This is a fantastic story and your work is certainly not inferior to the great work of Wolfgang Meyer.
Maybe you should do something with the idea of putting all the photos and commentary together in a book.
Thanks for sharing and keep it coming.
PatrickJ71  Belgium
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Posted by C M Dodson on 30 Apr 2023, 14:10

Battle of Antietam ( Sharpsburg ) 17th September 1862

Timeline 9.45 AM

The Confederates have now withdrawn into the West woods leaving a clear field of fire for their artillery, prior to their withdrawal too.


The First Division of Second Corps, Major General Israel B. Richardson commanding is advancing through the Roulette farm complex towards the sunken lane.

The Irish Brigade from this unit under Brigadier General Thomas F. Meagher is advancing with the Roulette farm and the Clipp house on its right flank.


Meanwhile the Confederate medical services are rapidly being overwhelmed by the volume of unfortunates.

The triage system by the Reel Barn on the outskirts of Sharpsburg is in danger of collapse as a result, although the staff continue to do their best.





The Confederate left flank has been pulverised, the Union Second Corps is in the ascendant and General Burnside is about to receive an ultimatum to get his Corps into action.

‘ We are driving them beautifully ‘states Major General George McClellan.
C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by John Simmons on 30 Apr 2023, 16:05

Still more astonishing work, Chris. I suppose one shouldn't call the pictures of the field of casualties in front of Sharpsburg, or of the surgeon at work, "beautiful", but they are certainly beautifully arranged and photographed. I continue to be amazed by your expertise in both modelling (of figures, terrain, and buildings) and photography. I look forward to each installment of this compelling story.

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Posted by Bill Slavin on 30 Apr 2023, 17:02

Yes, another beautiful addition to the tale. The attention to detail, the time lavished on the field hospital, all help tell the complete tale in a fascinating way. It looks as if the day is not going to go well for the Confederates.
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Posted by Minuteman on 01 May 2023, 08:21

Once again, some very fine work and fine photography. Well done, and very impressive!

The casualties lying, waiting for medical attention, are a reminder of what an awful and bloody day this was. I think the middle photos may have the highest 'body count' relative to standing, un-wounded figures, of any 172 scene I have seen! And these represent, I believe, dedicated conversion work to create prone and wounded figures. The operating table scene is also very well done.
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Posted by Iceman1964 on 01 May 2023, 17:59

It's a movie (or TV series....) with different scenes and mass views alternated to zoom on details.... it's the elevation of the concept of diorama to an higher form of art !
Really astonishing, let's go with the next episode, can't wait :-D
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Iceman1964  Italy
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Posted by Peter on 01 May 2023, 21:56

Iceman1964 wrote:It's a movie (or TV series....) with different scenes and mass views alternated to zoom on details.... it's the elevation of the concept of diorama to an higher form of art !
Really astonishing, let's go with the next episode, can't wait :-D

You took the words out of my mouth! ;-) :thumbup:
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Peter  Belgium

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Posted by Rich W on 01 May 2023, 23:25

Marvellous updates again Chris.
Rich W  United Kingdom
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Posted by Bessiere on 02 May 2023, 13:36

You are close to the moment I hold in the highest reverence Mr D; the wounding of John B Gordon of course. Your casualties and portrayal of medical care are superb. The man tossing the bloody water basin is singularly unique and brilliant. No doubt thousands of such bowls were tossed on that day. Some of the worst stories of people being paid to bury the dead and instead tossing them down wells came from Antietam. It was said the stench of death remained for an entire year. Up until Antietam neither side truly thought the war would be a long or bloody affair. It was a wake up call that shocked the country with the casualty lists. You have captured a seminal moment in time for American history in a truthful and sensitive fashion.
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Posted by C M Dodson on 02 May 2023, 17:02

Thank you to everyone for their very kind comments.

It is nice to be encouraged by such generosity of thought.

Mr B mentions the basin chap which I liked too.

He was a Zvezda Russian artillery man, chopped up with a new head and a basin from Wolfgang Meyer, given some years ago.

I filled the bottom half with glue, inverted the figure and let it drip out.

I can not guarantee Gordon’s fate as this is a re fight.

However, Hooker did get caught by an overshot shell and Mansfield fell from a die six rolled by Der Feldmarschall, so who knows!

The re fight is roughly following the original but is entering a critical phase where movement throws and morale will be potentially critical.

Plus…Burnside is about to, finally join in.

Best wishes,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by Bessiere on 02 May 2023, 18:06

It's easy to forget this is not a precise recreation of events though the wounding of Hooker is appropriate (shot in the foot I believe). Perhaps Gen Gordon won't be coming back from an Irish wedding after all.

Others have suggested you publish your work as a book and I believe a collaboration among diorama makers would allow exposure while maximizing potential market. Using kickstarter could ensure no one loses money on the venture. Food for thought anyway.
Bessiere  United States of America
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Posted by k.b. on 03 May 2023, 03:15

Your work is truly magnificent Chris. It really feels as if we are a miniature version of ourselves and are there on the battlefield, sharing feelings of anger, despair and compassion with the troops on your tabletop that to my mind at least bring a whole new meaning to the word reenactment.
Thank you for this incredible labour of love and let me say that I shall be one of the first to place an order for your book, if indeed you get around to producing one. Surely it’s the only way to attempt to do justice to your amazing research and artistry not to mention mind blowing photographic skills.
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 03 May 2023, 19:28

Nothing different to add to the mates' opinions, Chris. Only that I'm following and enjoying a lot every new chapter of this wonderful story you're telling to us, so well illustrated with the fantastic pictures of your amazing figures and terrain. :love: :notworthy: :love: :notworthy: :love: :notworthy:

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Posted by Bessiere on 03 May 2023, 19:56

Make that 2 pre-orders. A bit of photoshop work to add fire and smoke would be acceptable to enhance pictures if required. I'm still kind of stunned to be among such august company of talented people. Their willingness to share techniques makes this forum especially valuable to me.
Bessiere  United States of America
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Posted by C M Dodson on 14 Jul 2023, 15:51

The Battle of Antietam ( Sharpsburg) 17th September 1862

Timeline 10.00 AM

The Union Second Division of Twelfth Corps, Brigadier Adelphus S. Williams commanding, has reached the Dunkard Church by the West Woods.

Confederate skirmishers try to disorganise their advance.


Meanwhile, due to a poor movement roll, a battery of Confederate artillery are in danger of capture by the advancing Union forces.



The Union First Division of Second Corps, Major General Israel B. Richardson in command, is approaching the sunken lane area by the Clipp farmstead and Roulette road.

This advance is effectively ‘blind’ due to the rising nature of the terrain almost until the lane is reached.


The Irish Brigade, led by Brigadier General Thomas F. Meagher, cresting the slope are now in peril. Furthermore, with 75% of the troops armed with smoothbore muskets they have to close the range to be effective.


Meanwhile Major General Ambrose E. Burnside commanding the Union Ninth Corps, at the Rhorbach, farm has received orders directly from General McClellan to assault the Rhorbach bridge and drive forward to Sharpsburg.


The Confederate position is becoming increasingly grave.
C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by PhilC on 14 Jul 2023, 17:11

Simply incredible! The figures look very nice, the scenery is impressive, and the quality of your pictures is wonderful. A masterpiece.
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